You can visit our site from this link
- Rawan Abudahrouj.
- Muhammad Abdulhadi.
Our project is a site for locations. So with our site you can explore the locations by using a huage database, also it allows people to post data to the database in order to help other people with thier search. You don't have to worry anymore if you want to search for a location, with one click you can find any location you want with our site.
- Our project contains three main sections:
- The first section is the nav bar which contain h1 and the input and submit buttons.
- The second section is the header which contains the map.
- The third section which contains the results.
- The last section contains the form to add locations to the site.
We start by sketching our site.
Then we set up file architecture.
Then we divided our tasks, and we start working on it.
Finally we collect the works and see the final result.
As a user visiting this site, I should be able to
- Type in a the location on the input search and when I submit, I will see the result of my search.
- Post data to the database.
- Autocomplete.
- Google Map.