It will publish the bottom track, water track and current profile data.
cd ~/your_ws/src
git clone -b noetic-devel
cd ~/your_ws
catkin build nortek_dvl_ethernet
roslaunch nortek_dvl_ethernet driver.launch
- bottom track raw data
- topic: "bottom_track"
- type: nortek_dvl_ethernet::NortekDF2
- info: DF21 data structure
- water track raw data
- topic: "water_track"
- type: nortek_dvl_ethernet::NortekDF2
- info: DF22 data structure
- current profile raw data
- topic: "current_profile"
- type: nortek_dvl_ethernet::NortekDF3
- info: DF3 data structure
- bottom track velocity
- topic: "bt_velocity"
- type: geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped
- info: the derived msg from raw bottom track data, used for navigation
- bottom track point cloud
- topic: "bt_pointcloud"
- type: sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
- info: the derived msg from raw bottom track data, it's from 4 range measurement
- bottom track range
- topic: "bt_range"
- type: sensor_msgs::Range
- info: the derived msg from raw bottom track data, it's simpled averaged from 4 range measurement
- water track velocity
- topic: "wt_velocity"
- type: geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped
- info: the derived msg from raw water track data, used for navigation
- pressure
- topic: "pressure"
- type: sensor_msgs::FluidPressure
- info: the derived msg from raw bottom track and current profile data, Nortek output the gauge pressure and unit in Bar. FluidPressure need absolute pressure unit in Pascal.
This package is inspired by DVL driver from WHOI Deep Submergence Lab.