PyBullet keyboard shortcut/hotkeys list
I have found no hotkeys list anywhere in the web (2023 edit) There is a nice article with pictures, linked at the end of the document, but it is incomplete.
I hope that at some point i can add this to the official quiskstart guide.
I am a user of Pybullet and this is the list I was able to compile reading the sourcecode, different forum posts and experimenting, all of these have been tested and work in current versions of pybullet unless noted otherwise.
Action | Operation | Instruction |
Show collision boxes | a | Press a with wireframe rendering activated to show axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) |
Visualize the constraint frames | c | Press c with wireframe rendering activated to visualize collisions(contact points) |
Toggle auto-deactivation of the simulation | d* | Press d to toggle auto-deactivation of the simulation |
Open/close the search, test and params tabs | g | Press g to toggle all tabs and menus |
Suspend/restart physics simulation | i* | Press i to pause simulation |
Show links and joints frames as RGB lines | j | Press j with wireframe rendering activated to show links and joints frames as RGB lines |
Show joint axes as a black line | k | Press k with wireframe rendering activated to show constraints (joint axes) |
Visualize the constraint limits | l | Press l with wireframe rendering activated to show constraint limits |
Single step simulation | o* | Press o for single step simulation |
Profile dumping | p | Press p to for profile dumping, prints or logs thread usage |
Toggle ligths and shadows | s | Press s to toggle lights and shadows |
Toggle visual geometry | v | Press v to toggle visualization of geometry faces |
Toggle wireframe | w | Press w to toggle wireframe mode |
Exit app | Esc | Press Esc to exit the simulator |
Move object | click + drag | click on an object within the simulation to apply a force |
Rotate view | Ctrl + drag | When holding the Alt or Control key, left mouse click and drag rotates the camera |
Translate view | Ctrl + middle click | When holding the Alt or Control key, middle mouse click and drag moves the camera |
Zoom view in/out | mouseweel | Use the mouseweel to zoom in and out |
Zoom view in/out | Ctrl + right click | When holding the Alt or Control key, right mouse click and drag zooms camera in and out |
Toggle image dump Physics Server | F1 | Press F1 to toggle image dump Physics Server (saves screenshots of the simulator to the /home directory continuously) |
Save a 'testFile.bullet' | F3* | Press F3 key in most of the Bullet examples to save a 'testFile.bullet' |
*Might have no effect on some simulations
Opening issues and pull requests are welcome to fix bugs and to extend this cheat sheet.