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White Screen Of Death

Andruszczenko, Eugene edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

White Screen Of Death

Everythings soldered but you have a white screen on power up

Things to check

  • Did you flash the latest release onto your Micro SD card?
  • When you put the Micro SD card in an power up, do you get the green activity light on the pi? (If not, see previous step)
  • Proceed

Power the Pi Directly

Power the Pi Directly
Unplug the battery, plug a USB into the circled USB port
By doing this, you don't need to use the power switch

If the green activity light on the pi starts blinking, and eventually you get past the white screen, the TP4056 module is not grounded properly (factory issue possibly).


Time to reflow the TP4056

First, shut down the Gaboze Pocaio and unplug anhy power (including battery)

Reflow the TP4056
Using some liquid flux, dab the circled areas
Press the conical tip all the way through the hole
Flow solder into the holes using a conical tip while still in the hole
Don't use to much solder, you want a concave finish (not bubbled over)

Power the Pi Through the side USB

Power the Pi Through the side USB
Plug a USB cable into the USB receptacle on the main board
Set the power switch into the ON position