Objective: The goal of this test is to assess your skills in consuming data from an API, transforming and persisting it into a data lake following the medallion architecture with three layers: raw data, curated data partitioned by location, and an analytical aggregated layer.
- API: Use the Open Brewery DB API to fetch data. The API has an endpoint for listing breweries: https://api.openbrewerydb.org/breweries
- Orchestration Tool: Choose the orchestration tool of your preference (Airflow, Luigi, Mage etc.) to build a data pipeline. We're interested in seeing your ability to handle scheduling, retries, and error handling in the pipeline.
- Language: Use the language of your preference for the requests and data transformation. Please include test cases for your code. Python and PySpark are preferred but not mandatory.
- Containerization: If you use Docker or Kubernetes for modularization, you'll earn extra points.
- Data Lake Architecture: Your data lake must follow the medallion architecture having a bronze, silver, and gold layer: a. Bronze Layer: Persist the raw data from the API in its native format or any format you find suitable. b. Silver Layer: Transform the data to a columnar storage format such as parquet or delta, and partition it by brewery location. Please explain any other transformations you perform. c. Gold Layer: Create an aggregated view with the quantity of breweries per type and location.
- Monitoring/Alerting: Describe how you would implement a monitoring and alerting process for this pipeline. Consider data quality issues, pipeline failures, and other potential problems in your response.
- Repository: Create a public repository on GitHub with your solution. Document your design choices, trade-offs, and provide clear instructions on how to run your application.
- Cloud Services: If your solution requires any cloud services, please provide instructions on how to set them up. Please do not post them in your public repository.
- In order to prepare the environment for this test is required to create an Azure Account or log in into an existent one (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/create-azure-account).
- Into Azure portal create a group of resources following a template according to: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/template-tutorial-create-first-template?tabs=azure-powershell.
- Use json template files located in this repository ("conf/*.json")
- Afterward it follows the test through resources:
- Azure Data Factory (Get data from API REST (Open breweries) and store in Storage Account)
- Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (Landing zone for raw data)
- Azure Databricks (Used to create a medallion architecture: bronze - DBFS/ silver - delta table/ gold - aggregated view)