Neural network with fully connected layers, built from scratch.
Optimizers: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), L-BFGS
Minibatch learning (as generalization for both online learning and batch learning), Momentum and moving average
Loss function: mean squared error (MSE)
Activation functions: linear, sigmoid, softplus
Regularization: L2 (Tichonov), early stopping
Metrics: accuracy, mean euclidean error (MEE)
Validation techniques: grid search, k-fold cross validation (with parallelization)
Utilities: rescaling, 1-of-K encoding, plot routines, read/write routines for dataset where the project has been tested on
This project has been made as part of Machine Learning and Computational Mathematics courses at the University of Pisa.
refers to a private contest whose dataset has not been disclosed.