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KSHELL file descriptions

Jon Dahl edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 1 revision


The .sh file(s) is (are) generated by kshell_ui and contain the run commands for KSHELL. This is the file you run to start KSHELL.


The .wav files are generated after running the KSHELL executable. They contain the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian matrix and are used to compute the transition probabilities.


The .snt files contain the parameters for each of the interactions. For example usda.snt, gxpf1a.snt etc. They are located in <install_directory>/snt and after completing the kshell_ui setup, the chosen interaction file is copied to the run directory.


The .ptn files are generated by kshell_ui and contain the possible proton and neutron configurations of the chosen model space and nucleus with the chosen truncation.


The .exe files are the compiled executable program files. These are generated by the compilation process and are located in <install_directory>/src. They are copied to the run directory after the kshell_ui setup.


The .input files contain run parameters for the .exe files. They are deleted after a successful calculation. If you see such a file in your run directory after the program has terminated, then something went wrong during the calculation.


There are log files for level information and separate log files for transition information. The log files contain all level and transition information from KSHELL in addition to debug parameters like RAM usage, time usage, and much more. If specific angular momenta were chosen during the kshell_ui setup, then there will be one level log file for each of the angular momentum choices; if you also chose to calculate transition probabilities then there will be one transition log file for each unique initial angular momentum and initial parity to final angular momentum and final parity pair. If you chose just a number of levels without specifying any angular momenta, then there will be only one level log file and one transition log file.


Older versions of KSHELL will generate a summary file after all calculations have been executed. The summary file contains all the nuclear data from the log files without any of the KSHELL debug information. Newer versions of KSHELL will however not generate such a summary file. kshell_utilities will generate a summary file if you point kshell_utilities.loadtxt to the directory of the log files. The summary file is not strictly needed for kshell_utilities to work since kshell_utilities can read the data from the log files. The summary is generated for legacy reasons.