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A set of procedures that help you to exchange data in JSON format with IBM i systems.


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iService is a set of procedures that help you to exchange data in JSON format with IBM i systems.


Advantages Over XMLService

  • Light-weighted with essential features
  • C/C++ implementation against RPG for more modern language developers
  • Simplified parameters of XMLService similar interfaces
  • API style declarations of data types against RPG style

Best practice

  • Use HTTP REST APIs with HTTPS configuration for IBM i HTTP Apache Server to protect your privacy in public network. See more
  • Set appropriate authorities to objects built up with default Makefile or customize with your own rules. See more
  • IPC mode should be only considered for high-frequency calls if jobs are with time-consuming intialization as IPC startup also takes additional time cost
  • Configure user profiles for IPC mode per your own security and audit policies. See more


This project is still under development. Plan your tests well before deploying on productions.

How to Use

DB2 Stored Procedure

Stored Procedures Registered

call iService.iPlug1M(<control>, <input>, <output>)

HTTP Request


Configure IBM i HTTP(s) server

 ScriptAlias /iservice/ /QSYS.LIB/ISERVICE.LIB/
   AllowOverride None
   order allow,deny
   allow from all
   SetHandler cgi-script
   Options +ExecCGI

ILE External Interfaces

Interface Description

extern "C"  int runService(control, in, in_size, out, out_size_p);
extern "C"  int runService2(control, ccsid, in, in_size, out, out_size_p);
extern "C"  int runServer(ipc_key, ccsid);

PASE Executable

Parameter Description

/usr/bin/iService  'control_flags'  'control_ccsid' 'input'  'max_output_size'
  ctl         - CHAR(*) - Control flags.           
  ctl_ccsid   - CHAR(*) - CCSID of control flags.
  in          - CHAR(*) - Input buffer.                     
  out_size    - CHAR(*) - Size of output buffer.   

ILE Executable

Parameter Description

  ctl         - CHAR(*) - Control flags           
  ctl_ccsid   - INT(4)  - CCSID of control flags  
  in          - CHAR(*) - Input buffer            
  in_size     - INT(4)  - Size of input buffer    
  out         - CHAR(*) - Output buffer           
  out_size    - INT(4)  - Size of output buffer   

Parameter Control

Note: Parameter Control ends with null-termitator and contains up to 1024 bytes with ending null-terminator included.

General Control Flags

Control Flag Description
*java Start JAVA debug mode with PASE.
*before(ccsid) CCSID of input data.
*after(ccsid) CCSID of output data.
*performance Inject performance data.

IPC Control Flags

Control Flag Description
*ipc(/ifs_path/key) Run as IPC client. If IPC server not exist then submit server job. One IPC server job serves multiple client jobs with users in the same group.
*endipc End IPC server. IPC server only.
*waitserver(seconds) IPC client waits IPC server to start up. Value must greater than 0. Default is 5 seconds. IPC client only.
*waitclient(seconds) IPC server timeout value of listening for clients. 0 means forever. Default is 300 seconds. IPC server only.
*waitdata(seconds) IPC server timeout value of exchanging data with clients. 0 means forever. Default is 5 seconds IPC server only.
*ipclog IPC server/clients log messages and dump to spooled files.
*sbmjob[(job:jobd:user)] Describe for IPC server job to submit. *sbmjob(ISERVICE:QSYS/QSRVJOB:*CURRENT) is used as default.
*ipcsvr(lib/pgm) IPC server startup program.


  • User profiles of IPC client/server jobs should have access pre-configured to the IPC key path. One way is to assign a group profile with accesses to IPC user profiles.
  • Parent path of IPC key directory should be existed before launching IPC mode. IPC key directory is automatically created by IPC server job. All accesses are granted to group profile of current user profile running IPC server job if set.
  • One IPC server job does the real work with system functions under the user profile running the IPC server job on behalf of multiple IPC client jobs.

Parameter Input



Attribute Value Description
name string Job name.
user string Job user.
number string Job number.

Retrieve information of job that executes request.

  • In IPC mode, it is the server job.
  • In non-IPC mode, it is the current job.



Attribute Value Description
exec cmd CL call. Default.
system Called with system().
rexx Called with REXX.
value Command String.
error off Only escape message reported. Default.
on Messages during the execution.
ignore Escape message is reported but not stop for 'exec' and 'system'.

CMD Example


Attribute Value Description
value Command Command string.
error off Only escape message reported. Default.
on Messages during the execution.



Attribute Value Description
name Name Program or service program.
lib Library Library.
func Exported symbol Service program only.
error off Only escape message reported. Default.
on Messages during the execution.
parm [{P1}...{Pn}] Array of parameters P1...Pn
return {R} Return value
pase off Don't call via PASE. Default value. Users don't need specify this and
let iService decide automatically.
on Force to call via PASE.
  • Pramater Pn
Attribute Value Description
io in Input type.
out Output type.
both Input and output type.
hex on Input/output for char(n) in hexadecimal format for non-DS types.
off Default
by value Parameter value is passed by value. Service program only for non-DS types.
ref Parameter value is passed by reference/pointer. Service program only. Default.
type int(n) n bytes signed integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
uint(n) n bytes unsigned integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
char(n) n bytes characters
float(n) Fractional precision n
double(n) Fractional precision n
packed(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
zoned(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
ds Data structure
value string/number For not 'ds' type, string or number value
[{M1}...{Mn}] For 'ds' type, arrary of data strucure members
  • Data Structure Member Mn
Attribute Value Description
type int(n) n bytes signed integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
uint(n) n bytes unsigned integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
char(n) n bytes characters
float(n) Fractional precision n
double(n) Fractional precision n
packed(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
zoned(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
ds Embedded data structure
value string/number String or number value
hex on Input/output for char(n) in hexadecimal format for non-DS entries.
off Default
by value Parameter value is passed by value as default.
ref Parameter value is passed by reference/pointer. Only for non-DS entries.

Top level 'ds' used as parameters are always passed by reference. Embedded 'ds' and non-DS type entries in parameter are passed by value as default.

  • Return Value R
Attribute Value Description
type int(n) n bytes signed integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
uint(n) n bytes unsigned integer. n = 2, 4 or 8
char(n) n bytes characters
float(n) Fractional precision n
double(n) Fractional precision n
packed(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
zoned(n, m) Digits n and fractional m
value string/number Value returned

Executing program via system interfaces of ILE or PASE is determined internally. By default program is run via system interfaces of ILE. If number of program prameters is great than 32, program is run via system interfaces of PASE.

PGM Executed with ILE Example

PGM Executed with PASE Example

Executing service program via system interfaces of ILE or PASE is determined internally. By default service program is run via system interfaces of ILE. Service program is run via system interfaces of PASE if

  • all the paramters are passed in by reference
  • number of prameters is great than 32
  • return value is required

SRVPGM Executed with ILE Example

SRVPGM Executed with PASE Example


Attribute Value Description
servermode on Turn on server mode for SQL env if allowed. Default.
off Turn off server mode for SQL env if allowed.
error off Only escape message reported. Default.
on Messages during the execution.
connect [{CONN1}...{CONNn}] Connection specification.
operation [{OP1}...{OPn}] Run SQL statements.
free "all" Free all the connections with the SQL env. Default.
"none" Keep all open connections.
["conn_label", ...] Array of connection lables in string format. This will turn off freeing all connections.
  • Connect Value CONNn
Attribute Value Description
conn connection id String.
db db name String.
uid user id String. Not used in SQL server mode.
pwd password Authentication charaters. Not used in SQL server mode.
autocommit on Automatically commit for connection. Default.
off No auto-commit.
commit no_commit Reference to SQL_TXN_NO_COMMIT.
read_uncommitted Reference to SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
read_committed Reference to SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED.
repeatable_read Reference to SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ.
serializeble Reference to SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE.
  • Operation Value OPn
Attribute Value Description
execDirect {EXD} Execute a statement.
exec {EX} Execute a statement with parameters.
commit {CMT} Commit transaction.
  • Commit value CMT
Attribute Value Description
conn connection id Reference to connections defined in 'connect'.
action commit Reference to SQL_COMMIT.
rollback Reference to SQL_ROLLBACK.
commit_hold Referenc to SQL_COMMIT_HOLD.
rollback_hold Referenc to SQL_ROLLBACK_HOLD.
  • ExecDirect Value EXD
Attribute Value Description
conn connection id Reference to connections defined in 'connect'. If not specified, database *LOCAL is used with current job user profile.
rowcount number Row count affected by the statement.
value statement Statement string.
fetch {F} Fetch for SELECT statement only.
  • Exec Value EX
Attribute Value Description
conn connection id Reference to connections defined in 'connect'.
rowcount number Row count affected by the statement.
value statement Statement string.
parm [{P1}...{Pn}] Parameters for SQL statement.
fetch {F} Fetch for SELECT statement only.
  • Fetch Value F
Attribute Value Description
block all Fetch all the rows.
number Fetch a certain number of rows.
rec number Starting position(>=1) of rows to fetch.
  • Parameter Value Pn
Attribute Value Description
io in Input type.
out Output type.
both Input and output type.
chars Specify characters for type CHAR, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME.
hex chars Specify in hexadecimal format chars for type GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, BIN, VARBINARY.

SQL Example

Parameter Output


Overall Status

Attribute Value Description
STATUS 0 Successful.
> 0 Failed. See definitions

Individual Status

Attribute Value Description
STATUS {S1, ..., Sn} Contains STATUS attributes
  • STATUS Attribute Sn
Attribute Value Description
CODE 0 Successful.
> 0 Failed. See definitions
MESSAGE [] Array of result messages.
DATA {}, [] Contains result data.



Building requires GNU make and gcc. These can be installed with yum: yum install make-gnu gcc



git clone

cd iService




Security Consideration

  • The Makefile used to build up project leaves security configurations to the system administrator. Consider granting *USE to designated users/*PUBLIC and assigning the ownership to privileged user profile based on your own security policy.

  • For using HTTP (REST) requests to exchange data with system, consider configuring IBM i HTTP server with secured socket layer to protect your sensitive information.

  • The control for accessing the IPC server job is controlled by the authorities to the IPC key in IFS. If user profiles or their group profile running the client jobs have the access to the IPC key, then they can interact with the related IPC server job. *sbmjob is used to indicate under which user profile the server job will run when submitting IPC server jobs. Plan proper policy based on your own requirement in security and audit controls:

    • If expecting an IPC server job can only be accessed by a specific user, consider using *sbmjob(job:jobd:THIS_USER) to submit the IPC server job. Then IPC server job will run under THIS_USER and only serve client job requests from THIS_USER. THIS_USER better have no group profile assigned to share access with others.

    • If expecting the client jobs from a group of users to be served by the same IPC server job, consider using *sbmjob(job:jobd:THAT_USER). The group of users should be assigned with the same group profile. THAT_USER could be the group profile or one of the user profiles, under which you expect the submitted IPC server job is running.


  • CL
> CALL ISERVICE/MAINTEST [/path/file.json|/path/*.json] [ctl_flags]
  • nodejs
> node ./iService/test/nodejs/XXX.js
  • python
> python3 ./test/python/
  • http requests




A set of procedures that help you to exchange data in JSON format with IBM i systems.







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  • C 80.6%
  • C++ 9.6%
  • HTML 5.4%
  • JavaScript 2.0%
  • Makefile 1.0%
  • Shell 0.7%
  • Other 0.7%