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WebToApp is a Python script that converts web applications into standalone desktop applications packaged as AppImages.


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WebToApp is a Python script that allows you to easily convert a web application into a standalone desktop application using the Nativefier tool and package it as an AppImage. It simplifies the process of creating a desktop application from a web app by automating the necessary steps and providing a streamlined workflow.


  • Converts web applications into standalone desktop applications.
  • Packages the application as an AppImage for easy distribution and execution on various Linux distributions.
  • Automatically sets up the required directory structure and dependencies.
  • Supports customization of the application name, icon, and other settings through a configuration file.
  • Optional cleaning and linting steps to ensure a clean and optimized AppImage package.


  • Linux operating system
  • Python3
  • npm and node.js
  • nativefier command-line tool
  • appimagetool and appimagelint binaries (downloaded automatically by script)
  • FUSE to run the AppImages


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd WebToApp
  1. Install the required dependencies:
  • Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • npm, node.js and FUSE:

    sudo apt install node npm fuse 
  • nativefier:

    npm install nativefier -g
  • appimagetool and appimagelint binaries:

    The script expects the following files to be present in the dependencies directory if not they are gonna be downloaded automatically:

  1. Customize the configuration file:

Edit the conf.json file and provide the necessary details for your application. Refer to the existing structure for guidance.


  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the cloned repository:
cd WebToApp
  1. Run the script with the desired options:
python -a app_name --noclean --lint

Available options:

  • -a, --app: Specify the name of the app in the configuration file.
  • --noclean: Skip cleaning the source and temporary folders after building the AppImage.
  • --lint: Perform linting on the created AppImage.
  1. Follow the script's output and prompts for any additional actions or inputs required.

  2. Once the script finishes, the generated AppImage file will be available in the output directory.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or would like to add new features, please consider contributing to the project. You can contribute in the following ways:

  1. Adding support for more websites: You can help expand the capabilities of WebToApp by adding support for additional websites. Simply edit the conf.json file in the dependencies folder and include the necessary details for the web application you want to convert. Your contribution will enable others to convert a wider range of web apps into desktop applications.

  2. Reporting issues: If you come across any bugs, errors, or unexpected behavior while using WebToApp, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Include as much detail as possible, such as the steps to reproduce the issue and any relevant error messages. This will help the development team investigate and address the problem effectively.

  3. Submitting pull requests: If you have made improvements, fixes, or new features to the script, you can submit a pull request. The team will review your changes and merge them into the main repository if they align with the project's goals and standards.

Your contributions are highly appreciated and will help make WebToApp more versatile and user-friendly for everyone. Thank you for your support!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


WebToApp is provided as-is without any warranty. Use it at your own risk.


WebToApp is built upon the Nativefier tool and utilizes the AppImage ecosystem for packaging and distribution.