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Check for syntactically invalid constraint guards in the parser
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Numeric constraint guards have very particular syntactic requirements:

* They must always be used in top-level definitions.
* Their definitions must always be accompanied by a top-level type signature.

Previously, we checked these requirements in a combination of places in the
parser and the typechecker. The checks in the typechecker weren't very
thorough, however, and they failed to catch local definitions without type
signatures that use constraint guards, as seen in #1685.

This patch moves all of these syntactic checks to the parser (in
`Cryptol.Parser.ExpandPropGuards`). We now recurse into expressions to check
for local definition that use constraint guards and error if we encounter one.
This ensures that by the time we reach the typechecker, all constraint guard
expressions are at least syntactically valid.

Fixes #1685.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 94c8db0 commit 54f52c5
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@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# next -- TBA

## Bug fixes

* Fix #1685, which caused Cryptol to panic when given a local definition without
a type signature that uses numeric constraint guards.

# 3.1.0 -- 2024-02-05

## Language changes
Expand Down
160 changes: 153 additions & 7 deletions src/Cryptol/Parser/ExpandPropGuards.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Text (pack)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

Expand All @@ -31,15 +32,35 @@ type ExpandPropGuardsM a = Either Error a
runExpandPropGuardsM :: ExpandPropGuardsM a -> Either Error a
runExpandPropGuardsM m = m

-- | Error
-- | Errors that can happen while expanding constraint guards.
data Error = NoSignature (Located PName)
-- ^ A declaration using constraints guard lacks an explicit type
-- signature, which is a requirement.
| NestedConstraintGuard (Located PName)
-- ^ Constraint guards appear somewhere other than the top level,
-- which is not allowed.
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance PP Error where
ppPrec _ err = case err of
NoSignature x ->
text "At" <+> pp (srcRange x) <.> colon
<+> text "Declarations using constraint guards require an explicit type signature."
(text "At" <+> pp (srcRange x) <.> colon)
(vcat [ text "Declaration" <+> backticks (pp (thing x)) <+>
text "lacks a type signature."
, text "Declarations using constraint guards require an" <+>
text "explicit type signature."
NestedConstraintGuard x ->
(text "At" <+> pp (srcRange x) <.> colon)
(vcat [ text "Local declaration" <+> backticks (pp (thing x)) <+>
text "may not use constraint guards."
, text "Constraint guards may only appear at the top-level of" <+>
text "a module."

expandPropGuards :: ModuleG mname PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM (ModuleG mname PName)
expandPropGuards m =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,16 +90,23 @@ expandTopDecl topDecl =
expandDecl :: Decl PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM [Decl PName]
expandDecl decl =
case decl of
DBind bind -> do bs <- expandBind bind
pure (map DBind bs)
_ -> pure [decl]
DBind bind ->
do bs <- expandBind bind
pure (map DBind bs)
DLocated d rng ->
do ds <- expandDecl d
pure $ map (`DLocated` rng) ds
_ ->
pure [decl]

expandBind :: Bind PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM [Bind PName]
expandBind bind =
case thing (bDef bind) of
DImpl (DPropGuards guards) -> expand (DImpl . DPropGuards) guards
DForeign (Just (DPropGuards guards)) -> expand (DForeign . Just . DPropGuards) guards
_ -> pure [bind]
_ ->
do checkNestedGuardsInBind bind
pure [bind]

expand def guards = do
Expand All @@ -90,6 +118,7 @@ expandBind bind =
PropGuardCase PName ->
ExpandPropGuardsM (PropGuardCase PName, Bind PName)
goGuard (PropGuardCase props' e) = do
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
bName' <- newName (bName bind) (thing <$> props')
-- call to generated function
tParams <- case bSignature bind of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +146,123 @@ expandBind bind =
bind {bDef = def guards' <$ bDef bind} :

-- | Check for nested uses of constraint guards in an expression (e.g.,
-- in a local definition bound with @where@).
checkNestedGuardsInExpr :: Expr PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInExpr expr =
case expr of
EVar {} ->
pure ()
ELit {} ->
pure ()
EGenerate e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
ETuple es ->
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInExpr es
ERecord r ->
traverse_ (checkNestedGuardsInExpr . snd) r
ESel e _ ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
EUpd mbE upds ->
do traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInExpr mbE
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInUpdField upds
EList es ->
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInExpr es
EFromTo {} ->
pure ()
EFromToBy {} ->
pure ()
EFromToDownBy {} ->
pure ()
EFromToLessThan {} ->
pure ()
EInfFrom _ mbE ->
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInExpr mbE
EComp e mss ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
traverse_ (traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInMatch) mss
EApp e1 e2 ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e1
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e2
EAppT e _ ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e1
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e2
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e3
EWhere e ds ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInDecl ds
ETyped e _ ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
ETypeVal _ ->
pure ()
EFun _ _ e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
ELocated e _ ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
ESplit e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
EParens e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
EInfix e1 _ _ e2 ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e1
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e2
EPrefix _ e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
ECase e ca ->
do checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInCaseAlt ca
checkNestedGuardsInUpdField :: UpdField PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInUpdField (UpdField _ _ e) =
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e

checkNestedGuardsInMatch :: Match PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInMatch match =
case match of
Match _ e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
MatchLet b ->
checkNestedGuardsInBind b

checkNestedGuardsInCaseAlt :: CaseAlt PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInCaseAlt (CaseAlt _ e) =
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e

-- | Check for nested uses of constraint guards in a local declaration.
checkNestedGuardsInDecl :: Decl PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInDecl decl =
case decl of
DSignature {} -> pure ()
DPatBind _ e -> checkNestedGuardsInExpr e
DBind b -> checkNestedGuardsInBind b
DRec bs -> traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInBind bs
DFixity {} -> pure ()
DPragma {} -> pure ()
DType {} -> pure ()
DProp {} -> pure ()
DLocated d _ -> checkNestedGuardsInDecl d

-- | Check for nested uses of constraint guards in a local bind.
checkNestedGuardsInBind :: Bind PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInBind bind =
case thing (bDef bind) of
DPrim -> pure ()
DImpl bi -> checkNestedGuardsInBindImpl bi
DForeign mbBi -> traverse_ checkNestedGuardsInBindImpl mbBi
nestedConstraintGuards :: ExpandPropGuardsM ()
nestedConstraintGuards = Left . NestedConstraintGuard $ bName bind

checkNestedGuardsInBindImpl :: BindImpl PName -> ExpandPropGuardsM ()
checkNestedGuardsInBindImpl bi =
case bi of
DPropGuards _ ->
DExpr e ->
checkNestedGuardsInExpr e

patternToExpr :: Pattern PName -> Expr PName
patternToExpr (PVar locName) = EVar (thing locName)
patternToExpr _ =
Expand Down
25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,13 +171,6 @@ data Error = KindMismatch (Maybe TypeSource) Kind Kind
| UnsupportedFFIType TypeSource FFITypeError
-- ^ Type is not supported for FFI

| NestedConstraintGuard Ident
-- ^ Constraint guards may only apper at the top-level

| DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd Ident
-- ^ All declarataions in a recursive group involving
-- constraint guards should have signatures

| InvalidConstraintGuard Prop
-- ^ The given constraint may not be used as a constraint guard

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,8 +266,6 @@ errorImportance err =
UnsupportedFFIType {} -> 7
-- less than UnexpectedTypeWildCard

NestedConstraintGuard {} -> 10
DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd {} -> 9
InvalidConstraintGuard {} -> 5

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,8 +333,6 @@ instance TVars Error where
UnsupportedFFIKind {} -> err
UnsupportedFFIType src e -> UnsupportedFFIType src !$ apSubst su e

NestedConstraintGuard {} -> err
DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd {} -> err
InvalidConstraintGuard p -> InvalidConstraintGuard $! apSubst su p

TemporaryError {} -> err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,8 +384,6 @@ instance FVS Error where
UnsupportedFFIKind {} -> Set.empty
UnsupportedFFIType _ t -> fvs t

NestedConstraintGuard {} -> Set.empty
DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd {} -> Set.empty
InvalidConstraintGuard p -> fvs p

TemporaryError {} -> Set.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,18 +675,6 @@ instance PP (WithNames Error) where
[ ppWithNames names t
, "When checking" <+> pp src ]

NestedConstraintGuard d ->
vcat [ "Local declaration" <+> backticks (pp d)
<+> "may not use constraint guards."
, "Constraint guards may only appear at the top-level of a module."

DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd d ->
vcat [ "The declaration of" <+> backticks (pp d) <+>
"requires a full type signature,"
, "because it is part of a recursive group with constraint guards."

InvalidConstraintGuard p ->
let d = case tNoUser p of
TCon tc _ -> pp tc
Expand Down
39 changes: 3 additions & 36 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Infer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -956,8 +956,6 @@ inferBinds isTopLevel isRec binds =
genCs <- generalize bs1 cs
return (done,genCs)

checkNumericConstraintGuardsOK isTopLevel sigs noSigs

let exprMap = Map.fromList (map monoUse genBs)
(doneBs, genBs) <- check exprMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -985,40 +983,6 @@ inferBinds isTopLevel isRec binds =
withQs = foldl' appP withTys qs

Here we also check that:
* Numeric constraint guards appear only at the top level
* All definitions in a recursive groups with numberic constraint guards
have signatures
The reason is to avoid interference between local constraints coming
from the guards and type inference. It might be possible to
relex these requirements, but this requires some more careful thought on
the interaction between the two, and the effects on pricniple types.
checkNumericConstraintGuardsOK ::
Bool -> [P.Bind Name] -> [P.Bind Name] -> InferM ()
checkNumericConstraintGuardsOK isTopLevel haveSig noSig =
do unless isTopLevel
(mapM_ (mkErr NestedConstraintGuard) withGuards)
unless (null withGuards)
(mapM_ (mkErr DeclarationRequiresSignatureCtrGrd) noSig)
mkErr f b =
do let nm = P.bName b
inRange (srcRange nm) (recordError (f (nameIdent (thing nm))))

withGuards = filter hasConstraintGuards haveSig
-- When desugaring constraint guards we check that they have signatures,
-- so no need to look at noSig

hasConstraintGuards b =
case P.bindImpl b of
Just (P.DPropGuards {}) -> True
_ -> False

{- | Come up with a type for recursive calls to a function, and decide
how we are going to be checking the binding.
Returns: (Name, type or schema, computation to check binding)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1178,6 +1142,9 @@ checkMonoB b t =
, dDoc = thing <$> P.bDoc b

-- The pass in Cryptol.Parser.ExpandPropGuards ensures that by the time
-- we reach this code, all definitions that use constraint guards will
-- have a type signature, so this case should be unreachable.
P.DPropGuards _ ->
tcPanic "checkMonoB"
[ "Used constraint guards without a signature at "
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/constraint-guards/noNested.icry.stdout
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main

[error] at noNested.cry:6:3--6:9:
At noNested.cry:6:3--6:9:
Local declaration `nested` may not use constraint guards.
Constraint guards may only appear at the top-level of a module.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSig.cry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
f | 0 == 0 => ()
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSig.icry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
:load noTypeSig.cry
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSig.icry.stdout
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main

At noTypeSig.cry:1:1--1:2:
Declaration `f` lacks a type signature.
Declarations using constraint guards require an explicit type signature.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSigNested.cry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// A regression test for #1685.
f : ()
f = g
g | 0 == 0 => ()
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSigNested.icry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
:load noTypeSigNested.cry
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/constraint-guards/noTypeSigNested.icry.stdout
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main

At noTypeSigNested.cry:5:5--5:6:
Local declaration `g` may not use constraint guards.
Constraint guards may only appear at the top-level of a module.

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