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Arves100 edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 7 revisions

The MasterServer looks for a configuration file called MasterServer.ini in the same folder where MasterServer is executed.

Loading a Modules

The section [Modules] is specified to module loading.

The modules MUST be placed in the same directory where the MasterServer is launched otherwise they won't be loaded.

The value is the number of the module that should be loaded.

WARNING: The number starts at 0, like C arrays. If you try to put the same number one module could be ignored.

NOTE: There is no need to write the extension name, it will be appended when the module is loading by MasterServer automaticly

Example: 0=PlayerSpy. In this case, MasterServer will load PlayerSpy as the first module.

MasterServer Options

Section Option Values Description Defalut Value
Database Enabled 1 or 0 If the value is 0, it prevents ANY database iteraction globally 1
Database Port A number between 1 and 65535 The port that Server will use to conenct to the Database 3306
Database Name A string The name of the database that Server should use masterserver
Database Password A string The password of the database username the Server will use to connect
Database Username A string The username that Server will use to connect masterserver
Database Host A string The IP Adress of the Database localhost
Database Socket A string The UNIX socket used to connect to the Server (Ignored in Windows)
Server DefaultIP A string The default IP the server will bind localhost

Modules Options

Each section of the module name is the Module name defined at the loading poing.

Each module could have their own Option, see the reference of the modules for more information. The following table contains the name of the generic configuration that will be loaded for every module.

Option Values Description Default Value
Port A number between 1 and 65535 The port that the module should use to bind it The default port specified by the server
BindIP A string The IP that the module should use to bind Server's DefaultIP
DisableMySQL 1 or 0 If the value is 0, MasterServer will not start a connection to the Database for that module 0

NOTE: The same configuration used for the database could be used as well for each module, the [Database] section is used for the default values.

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