This plugin is no longer maintained. Gandi offers an free automated certificates for all simplehosting plans having ssl in the admin interface. This certificate is also auto-renewed automatically.
letsencrypt-gandi is a plugin for certbot that allows you to obtain certificates from Let's Encrypt and use them with Gandi products such as Simple Hosting.
- certbot installed on your computer
- A Gandi API Key, which you can get from your Gandi Account
- Root privileges may be required to use certbot on your system (read the "Avoiding sudo" section to try to work around this limitation).
The way you install the plugin will depend on how you installed certbot on your system.
In general terms, after you have installed and configured certbot itself, you'll have to clone the plugin's repository into a local folder on your computer (or download it and extract it from a Zip file). Then, you'll have to run the appropriate command to install it on your system.
The examples below will show you how to install the plugin in different scenarios.
If you've cloned the certbot repository on your computer, you'll need to use the pip
executable distributed with it to install the plugin.
First, run ./certbot-auto --help
from inside the cloned repository's folder to ensure that the necessary files are installed on your system.
Then, proceed to downloading and installing the letsencrypt-gandi plugin.
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd letsencrypt-gandi
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ ~/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/pip install -e .
Note that the .
at the end of pip install
command is important.
Also note that you might have to run certbot from within its own directory, using the certbot-auto
executable. In this case, replace [sudo] certbot
by ./certbot-auto
in the usage instructions and examples provided below.
If you installed certbot using your Linux distribution's package manager, you'll need to install and use pip to install this plugin.
Search the Web for instructions on how to install pip on your system. Once pip is installed, you should then be able to install the plugin with a simple command as exemplified below.
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd letsencrypt-gandi
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ pip install -e .
Note that the .
at the end of pip install -e .
command is important.
If you installed certbot using the Homebrew package manager on Mac OS X, you'll need to run some (ugly) commands to install the plugin inside the correct directory.
First, locate the correct directory certbot. The path we're looking for is
the one that includes the libexec/
$ find /usr/local/Cellar/certbot -name site-packages
Now you'll need to run python install --install-purelib /path/that/you/identified
, making sure you set the PYTHONPATH
environment variable with that same path for that command. For example:
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd letsencrypt-gandi
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ export CERTBOT_LIB="/usr/local/Cellar/certbot/0.8.0/libexec/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ PYTHONPATH=$CERTBOT_LIB python install --install-purelib $CERTBOT_LIB
Keep in mind that every time certbot is upgraded by Homebrew, the plugin needs to be reinstalled. As of version 0.9.3 of certbot, you can just execute the command again after replacing the correct version number to the path. Replace 'CERTBOT_VERSION_NUMBER' with the number of the last version installed by Homebrew on your system (for example '0.9.3').
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ export CERTBOT_LIB="/usr/local/Cellar/certbot/CERTBOT_VERSION_NUMBER/libexec/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
~/letsencrypt-gandi $ PYTHONPATH=$CERTBOT_LIB python install --install-purelib $CERTBOT_LIB
You'll be able to tell whether the plugin was successfully installed by running the certbot plugins
command and looking for letsencrypt-gandi
in the output, as in the following example:
$ [sudo] certbot plugins
* letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs
Description: Gandi Simple Hosting - Alpha
Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IInstaller, IPlugin
Entry point: gandi-shs = letsencrypt_gandi.shs:GandiSHSConfigurator
* [...]
If the plugin was correctly installed, you can proceed to using it.
- You must have a "M"-sized (or greater) Simple Hosting instance to enable SSL
- You must add the certificate's domain name to your instance's VHOSTS
- You need to have SSH Key authentication setup on the Simple Hosting instance
- Your SSH Key must be added to your local
(usessh-add /path/to/key
to add it) - The RSA key for certificates to be used with Simple Hosting can only be of 2048 bits.
- Currently, only PHP and Ruby instances will work without modification of your code (in most cases). Simply follow the instructions and the plugin will take care of obtaining and installing the certificates for you.
- Python and Node.js instance users must add a special route to their application prior to using the plugin (examples provided below)
Python applications are handled through a WSGI application in Gandi so to get this plugin to work, you need to configure your application to serve a directory called .well-known
statically from the application folder.
If you are using Django, you can do this by adding a route to your file:
url(r'^\.well-known/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '.well-known'}),
After doing that, deploy your application to your Simple Hosting instance and use this plugin to obtain and install a certificate.
To use this plugin with Node.js applications, you will have to create a special route to serve static files from a directory called .well-known
For example, if you're using the Express framework :
Once you have added the route to the application, deploy it to your Simple Hosting instance before following the rest of the instructions.
Run the following command from your computer and make sure you replace the placeholders with your own information.
: the name of the instanceVHOST
: the domain name for the certificate and of the Simple Hosting VHOSTAPI-KEY
: your Gandi API key
$ [sudo] certbot run --domains VHOST \
--authenticator letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-name SHS-NAME \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-vhost VHOST \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-api-key API-KEY \
--installer letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs
Simply follow the steps presented on the screen to complete the process.
For certificate renewal and installation execute the same command.
You can also create scripts to make this process easier for certificate creation and renewal.
Here's an example script created by @internationils, a Gandi customer.
If you experience authentication issues, make sure you can connect to the instance via sftp
from your terminal with your SSH Key and without a password.
If the connection via sftp
works, but the script still has authentication issues, make sure you have added your SSH Key to ssh-agent
on your computer (see the Requirements section for instructions).
In case everything seems to be set correctly, but the script is still not able to authenticate, try to run the above commands with sudo
and re-run the script.
You can also check previously reported Issues or create a new one if you need any help.
Support for other Gandi products, such as Web Accelerators and Servers, is not yet available through the plugin but may be added in the future.
You can still use Let's Encrypt certificates with any Gandi product.
Here are some examples that are especially useful if you are developing the plugin itself.
You can also set your API key in an environment variable. This way you don't need to use the --letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-api-key
export GANDI_API_KEY="l00km4im1nth3nv"
certbot might require root privileges to run.
You can work around this requirement by specifiying different paths than the one it uses by default.
For example:
$ certbot --config-dir ~/.letsencrypt \
--work-dir ~/.letsencrypt \
--logs-dir ~/.letsencrypt/logs \
More information can be found in certbot's documentation.
To only generate and download the certs from Let's Encrypt to your computer, you can use the certonly
command with the letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs
$ [sudo] certbot certonly --domains VHOST \
--authenticator letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-name SHS-NAME \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-vhost VHOST \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-api-key API-KEY \
To only install the certs downloaded to your computer on Simple hosting, you can use the install
command and the letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs
$ [sudo] certbot install --domains VHOST \
--cert-path /path/to/cert \
--key-path /path/to/cert \
--installer letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-name SHS-NAME \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-vhost VHOST \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-api-key API-KEY \
With the following additional flags, you'll be able to use LE's staging server and control where your local files are kept. The log file created in ~/.letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
may contain more information about your problem.
$ [sudo] certbot --config-dir $HOME/.letsencrypt \
--work-dir $HOME/.letsencrypt \
--logs-dir $HOME/.letsencrypt \
run --domains VHOST \
--server --break-my-certs \
--authenticator letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-name SHS-NAME \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-vhost VHOST \
--letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs-api-key API-KEY \
--installer letsencrypt-gandi:gandi-shs