A user management system built with React and Axios that allows users to view, edit, and delete user information fetched from a RESTful API.
- Fetches user data from an API endpoint.
- Displays user information in a table format.
- Provides options to view, edit, and delete user records.
- Implements client-side routing using React Router.
- Uses Axios library for making HTTP requests.
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.
To get a local copy of the project up and running on your machine, follow the instructions below.
- Node.js (version 12 or higher)
- npm (version 6 or higher)
The project relies on a RESTful API for fetching user data. Ensure that the API is properly configured and running on http://localhost:3003/users. You can modify the API endpoint in the code if necessary.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to enhance the project, feel free to open a pull request.
- React
- Axios
- React Router