AdvanceCabBooking is a single-page MEAN stack application developed on Angular8 for private cab owners so customers can book cabs online
MEAN = MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node
• Developed REST API following MVC architecture to handle user data, contact forms and cab bookings
• Ensured role-based authentication and authorization utilizing custom middleware, route guards, JWT
• Crafted feature modules for organizing Angular Material components and "auth" components
• Decreased load times by adopting lazy loading technique
• Incorporated dynamic component loading for modals and snack-bars to display notifications
• Integrated Google Places API for auto-populating addresses
• Introduced PayPal smart payment buttons for cab payments
Schedule cab as guest (no login, cannot view or edit cab bookings)
Sign-Up, Login and schedule cab (can view & edit cab bookings)
You will need dummy paypal credentials given below to complete payment for booking a cab.
Please don't use real paypal credentials!
Password: gari
Password: /t8.0xD^
-- required to successfully complete end-to-end flow for new cab booking.
Visit website:
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.21.
Do not use Angular 9 to use this project. Will throw error.
In case you update the dependencies, run command "npm i @angular-devkit/build-angular@0.803.23" to downgrade to req angular version.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.