Perl6 binding to andlabs/libui
andlabs/libui is currently alpha software. This binding works with the current release, 0.4.1. It does not have full functionality, and is subject to change as andlabs/libui changes underneath it. The raw bindings accessible in Libui::Raw should be feature-complete, but only some widgets have an object-oriented implementation.
This library provides an object-oriented interface to libui. Shared libraries ui.dll, libui.dylib, and are provided in resources.
Linux requires GTK3.
Debian: apt install libgtk-3-0
use Libui;
my Libui::App $app .= new("test");
#This allows the window to be closed
#when the titlebar's close button is clicked
Widget | Description |
Button | A button with a label |
Checkbox | A checkbox with a label |
Combobox | A simple combobox |
ColorButton | A button for selecting a color |
EditableCombobox | A combobox that can be edited |
Entry | Text input, can be disabled |
FontButton | A button for selecting a font (Incomplete: Cannot set programmatically) |
Form | A container that takes labels for its contents |
Grid | A container that aligns widgets for window design |
Group | A container that provides a title for a set of items |
Label | Displays a single line of text |
Menu | Creates a single column of an application menu |
MultilineEntry | An entry that allows multiple lines |
Time and Date Pickers | Allows choosing of a date and/or time |
ProgressBar | Displays a progress bar |
RadioButton | A set of radio buttons |
Separator | A simple vertical or horizontal separator |
Slider | A draggable slider for choosing a value in a range |
Spinbox | A numerical input with a minimum and maximum range |
Tab | A set named tabs for placing items in |
Window | Contains any other widget, cannot be embedded in a container |
VBox, HBox | A vertical or horizontal box for grouping items |
zef install Libui
View on the web:
Use p6doc: e.g. p6doc Libui::Button
Travis Gibson