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Optimize your Cuda kernels automatically for speed, bandwidth, and occupancy


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CUDA Optimizer

Optimizes CUDA kernels by searching for the best parameters and optimization methods.

GPUs provide incredible speedups for AI and other numerically intensive tasks, but require deep knowledge to use effectively. While writing kernels is straightforward, how they interact with GPU architectures can have dramatic effects on speed and throughput.

There are multiple ways to structure kernels and incorporate GPU architecture knowledge to optimize them, such as striding, occupancy, coalesced memory access, shared memory, thread block size optimization, register pressure management, and more.

The problem is that a developer can't know in advance how these optimizations interact, or which combinations are most effective, or which actually interfere with others.

This repository provides code that compares optimization techniques for common kernels and provides a framework for optimizing your kernels.


  • Finds optimal parameters for speed and throughput of CUDA kernels.
  • Allows kernels to be included in multiple optimizations.
  • Includes common metrics like time, bandwidth, and occupancy.
  • Provides generators for common grid searches and architecture-appropriate values for kernels. For example, it includes predefined searching by warp-sized increments.
  • Optimizes over:
    1. numBlocks and blockSize kernel parameters.
    2. managed vs unmanaged memory,
    3. strided vs unstrided loops,
    4. occupancy
  • Allows optimizations to be groups into sets for multi-way optimization.
  • Statistically accurate and flexible timer for measuring kernel timing.

How to build and run

The code is CMake based, so use the standard procedure:


  # cd into the project directory
  $ mkdir build
  $ cmake -B build -S .
  $ cmake --build build


  $ ./build/tests/test_app


  $ ./build/src/cuda_optimizer

The output is long, so it's useful to capture the output for review:

$ ./build/src/cuda_optimizer | tee /tmp/cuda_optimizer_out.txt
$ less /tmp/cuda_optimizer_out.txt


Groups of kernels can be created in the Optimizer and run as a set to make comparisons. For example, to compare strided vs unstrided variations of a Euclidean Distance kernel, we can do:

  // Make an optimizer for the DistKernelFunc.
  Optimizer<DistKernelFunc> DistOptimizer;

  // Add strategies.
  DistOptimizer.AddStrategy("Strided",      RunStridedSearch<DistKernelFunc>,
      "Unstrided", RunUnstridedSearch<DistKernelFunc>, &dist_unstrided);

  // Create comparison set with these two strategies.
  name = "Euclidean Distance kernel, strided vs unstrided";
  optimizer.CreateSet(name, {"Strided", "Unstrided"});

  // Optimize and compare the two strategies.
  DistOptimizer.OptimizeSet(name, hardware_info);

Understanding the output

As it runs, cuda_optimizer outputs lines like:

<<numBlocks, blockSize>> = <<     1,024,   352>>, occupancy:  0.92, bandwidth:      8.32GB/s, time:    1.51 ms (over 34 runs)

This line shows a parameter variation over numBlocks and blockSize in which the kernel, in this case a vector add with striding, is being called like:

AddStrided<<1024, 352>>(n, x, y);

The line shows that the result had an occupancy of 92%, bandwidth of 8.32GB/s, and an average run time of 1.51 ms. The problem size is 1<<20, or 1,048,576, specified in the add_strided_managed.h file.

At the end of a run, the final results are printed:

 Results for set: Add kernel, strided vs unstrided [both managed] *******
Among the following kernels:
    Strided, Managed
    Unstrided, Managed
Best time achieved by Unstrided, Managed kernel:
  <<numBlocks, blockSize>> = <<     4,096,   256>>
                  occupancy:  1.00, bandwidth:     17.88GB/s, time:    0.70 ms
Best bandwidth achieved by Unstrided, Managed kernel:
  <<numBlocks, blockSize>> = <<     4,096,   256>>
                  occupancy:  1.00, bandwidth:     17.88GB/s, time:    0.70 ms
Best occupancy achieved by Unstrided, Managed kernel:
  <<numBlocks, blockSize>> = <<     4,096,   256>>
                  occupancy:  1.00, bandwidth:     17.88GB/s, time:    0.70 ms

Here we see that, counter to expectations, striding was not the optimal loop style. Instead the Unstrided version was fastest and the highest bandwidth in the case where both used Cuda's managed memory feature. Unsurprisingly, the best results were achieved with 100% occupancy.


Each run is repeated over sufficient runs achieve a given level of statistical accuracy. Specifically, it continues sampling until the margin of error (at 95% confidence) is less than a specified fraction (relative_precision_) of the sample standard deviation.

For example, in a normal curve, ~0.68% of the population is found within +/- 1 standard deviation of the mean. The timer used in cuda_optimizer allows the developer to set this precision value to balance accuracy with test length. In practice, a required precision of 0.35 is satisfied with about 34 runs.


The code is organized into a series of layers:

  • Optimizer: collects examples into sets that can be run and compared. For example, we can compared managed to unmanaged, strided to unstrided, or all together.

  • Examples: Implement the IKernel interface, templated on the kernel.

class AddStridedManaged : public IKernel<AddKernelFunc> {

The IKernel interface provides Setup(), RunKernel(), Cleanup(), and CheckResults(). Examples also include the generators use for grid searching over their parameters.

  • kernels: These are the base Cuda kernels.

Converting an example into the framework

Suppose we have a simple CUDA example that shows a vector add using striding and managed memory:

__global__ void add(int n, float *x, float *y) {
  int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
  for (int i = index; i < n; i += stride)
    y[i] = x[i] + y[i];

int main(void) {
  int N = 1 << 20;
  float *x, *y;

  // Allocate Unified Memory – accessible from CPU or GPU
  cudaMallocManaged(&x, N * sizeof(float));
  cudaMallocManaged(&y, N * sizeof(float));

  // initialize x and y arrays on the host
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    x[i] = 1.0f;
    y[i] = 2.0f;

  // Run kernel on 1M elements on the GPU.
  int blockSize = 256;
  int numBlocks = (N + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
  add<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(N, x, y);

  // Wait for GPU to finish before accessing on host.

  // Check for errors. All values should be 3.0.
  float maxError = 0.0f;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    maxError = fmax(maxError, fabs(y[i] - 3.0f));
  std::cout << "Max error: " << maxError << std::endl;

  // Free memory

  return 0;

To convert it to work in the CUDA Optimizer framework, we just need to break this code up into Setup(), RunKernel(), Cleanup(), and CheckResults(). That is, we define a subclass of IKernel and break up the code into the IKernel methods. Most of the .h file is boilerplate (See add_strided_managed.h). Here's the complete file:

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

#include "add_strided_managed.h"

namespace cuda_optimizer {

void AddStridedManaged::Setup() {
  cudaMallocManaged(&x_, n_ * sizeof(float));
  cudaMallocManaged(&y_, n_ * sizeof(float));

  for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
    x_[j] = 1.0f;
    y_[j] = 2.0f;

void AddStridedManaged::RunKernel(int num_blocks, int block_size) {
  AddStridedKernel<<<num_blocks, block_size>>>(n_, x_, y_);

void AddStridedManaged::Cleanup() {

int AddStridedManaged::CheckResults() {
  int num_errors = 0;
  double max_error = 0.0;

  for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++) {
    if (fabs(y_[i] - 3.0f) > 1e-6) {
    max_error = fmax(max_error, fabs(y_[i] - 3.0f));

  if (num_errors > 0) {
    std::cout << "  number of errors: " << num_errors;
  if (max_error > 0.0) {
    std::cout << ",  max error: " << max_error;
  return num_errors;

} // namespace cuda_optimizer

The kernel has been moved to Note that numBlocks and blockSize become inputs determined by the call to RunKernel() or by the optimizers.


The project follows the Google C++ Style Guide. Note that the CUDA function calls start with lowercase letters, while Google style is to start function calls with Capital letters. This difference makes it easy to distinguish the CUDA calls.


  • Add an output comparison matrix. It would show the relative speed ratio between any two strategies in an n-way comparison. So for example, it would show that Strided & Managed vs Unstrided and Unmanaged has a bandwidth ratio of 1.2, meaning that Strided & Managed delivered 20% more bandwidth.


Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.


Optimize your Cuda kernels automatically for speed, bandwidth, and occupancy







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