The ERC721 non-fungible token contract records the ownership and other details of assets in the GazeCoin Metaverse.
- Using OpenZeppelin Solidity v2.3.0 copied to ./openzeppelin230.
- flattened/GazeCoinGoobers_flattened_v0.sol deployed to Ropsten 0xce8519ec0c7f8ef35a717be9867afca7f019869b.
- flattened/GazeCoinGoobers_flattened_v1.sol deployed to Ropsten 0x2667e5192bac646a165b7e4f717a7f1c0418cc27.
- flattened/GazeCoinGoobers_flattened_v2.sol deployed to Ropsten 0x8AC9d73e98eeeEE0A6761Ac3B82cf2A43728fe78.
- flattened/GazeCoinGoobers_flattened_v10.sol deployed to Ropsten 0x5C31be9C2ca80788274880030344230dFB8DFC4A.
to have a base + token id, or fully configurable tokenURI?- What further attributes to add
(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd for GazeCoin - Aug 24 2019. The MIT Licence.