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Fix issue 163
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Two problems fixed here:
- remove the push/pop around typing, to ensure that inferred constants
  are properly kept in the typing env
- properly distinguish the model from the newly defined constants, and
  thread the model appropriately to ensure that definitions are evaluated
  in the correct model (and not an empty one)
  • Loading branch information
Gbury committed Jun 23, 2023
1 parent 3fcf312 commit efafeec
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Showing 9 changed files with 91 additions and 41 deletions.
73 changes: 39 additions & 34 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ module Make
{ contents; loc; file; }

let record_defs st model (parsed_defs : Dolmen.Std.Statement.defs) typed_defs =
let record_defs st model newly_defined (parsed_defs : Dolmen.Std.Statement.defs) typed_defs =
let file = State.get State.response_file st in
List.fold_left2 (fun (st, model) (parsed : Dolmen.Std.Statement.def) def ->
List.fold_left2 (fun (st, model, newly_defined) (parsed : Dolmen.Std.Statement.def) def ->
let loc = Dolmen.Std.Loc.{ file = file.loc; loc = parsed.loc; } in
match def with
| `Type_alias _ ->
(State.error ~file ~loc st type_def_in_model (), model)
(State.error ~file ~loc st type_def_in_model (), model, newly_defined)
| `Term_def (_id, cst, ty_params, term_params, body) ->
let func = Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.lam (ty_params, term_params) body in
if State.get State.debug st then
Expand All @@ -345,8 +345,9 @@ module Make
Dolmen.Std.Loc.fmt_compact (Dolmen.Std.Loc.full_loc loc)
Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.Const.print cst
Value.print value;
let newly_defined = cst :: newly_defined in
let model = Model.Cst.add cst value model in
(st, model)
(st, model, newly_defined)
| `Instanceof (_id, cst, ty_args, ty_params, term_params, body) ->
assert (ty_params = []);
let pp_sep fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt ", @ " in
Expand All @@ -356,11 +357,12 @@ module Make
Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.Const.print cst
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep Dolmen.Std.Expr.Ty.print) ty_args
Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.print (Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.lam ([], term_params) body);
let newly_defined = cst :: newly_defined in
let model = Fun.add_ad_hoc_instance model ~cst ~ty_args ~term_params ~body in
if State.get State.debug st then
Format.eprintf "[model][typed] %a@." Model.print model;
(st, model)
) (st, model) parsed_defs.contents typed_defs
(st, model, newly_defined)
) (st, model, newly_defined) parsed_defs.contents typed_defs

let are_defs_declared st (defs : Dolmen.Std.Statement.defs) =
let input = `Response (State.get State.response_file st) in
Expand All @@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ module Make
) defs.contents

let type_model_aux ~input ?attrs st model parsed_defs =
let type_model_aux ~input ?attrs st model newly_defined parsed_defs =
if State.get State.debug st then
Format.eprintf "[model][parsed] @[<hov>%a@]@."
Dolmen.Std.Statement.(print_group print_def) parsed_defs;
Expand All @@ -388,26 +390,30 @@ module Make
) model (Typer.pop_inferred_model_constants st)
(* Record the explicit definitions *)
let st, model = record_defs st model parsed_defs defs in
st, model
let st, model, newly_defined = record_defs st model newly_defined parsed_defs defs in
st, model, newly_defined

let rec type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st model = function
| [] -> st, model, []
let rec type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st model newly_defined = function
| [] -> st, model, newly_defined, []
| (defs :: r) as l ->
let st, defs_declared = are_defs_declared st defs in
if defs_declared then
let st, model = type_model_aux ~input ?attrs st model defs in
type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st model r
let st, model, newly_defined =
type_model_aux ~input ?attrs st model newly_defined defs
type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st model newly_defined r
st, model, l
st, model, newly_defined, l

let type_model_partial ?attrs st parsed =
let type_model_partial ?attrs st model parsed =
let file = State.get State.response_file st in
let input = `Response file in
let st = Typer.push ~input st 1 in
let st, model, parsed = type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st Model.empty parsed in
let st = Typer.pop st ~input 1 in
st, model, parsed
(* let st = Typer.push ~input st 1 in *)
let st, model, newly_defined, parsed =
type_model_defined ~input ?attrs st model [] parsed
(* let st = Typer.pop st ~input 1 in *)
st, model, newly_defined, parsed

(* Pipe function *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,8 +489,7 @@ module Make
(* ************************************************************************ *)

let rec eval_loop st parsed model delayed evaluated_goals acc =
let st, newly_defined, parsed = type_model_partial st parsed in
let model = Model.disjoint_union model newly_defined in
let st, model, newly_defined, parsed = type_model_partial st model parsed in
let st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals =
eval_newly_defined st model delayed evaluated_goals newly_defined
Expand All @@ -495,22 +500,21 @@ module Make

and eval_newly_defined st model delayed evaluated_goals newly_defined =
let newly_defined_and_needed =
Model.C.merge (fun _cst value_opt acc_opt ->
match value_opt, acc_opt with
| Some _, (Some _ as res) -> res
| None as res, _
| Some _, (None as res) -> res
) (Model.csts newly_defined) delayed
List.filter_map (fun cst ->
match Model.C.find_opt cst delayed with
| Some acc -> Some (cst, acc)
| None -> None
) newly_defined
eval_delayed st model delayed evaluated_goals newly_defined_and_needed

and eval_delayed st model delayed evaluated_goals to_eval =
Model.C.fold (fun cst acc_list (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals) ->
List.fold_left (fun (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals) (cst, acc_list) ->
let delayed = Model.C.remove cst delayed in
List.fold_left (fun (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals) acc ->
eval_acc st model delayed evaluated_goals acc
) (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals) acc_list
) to_eval (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals)
) (st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals) to_eval

and eval_acc_direct ~reraise st model delayed evaluated_goals = function
| Def def ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -557,8 +561,8 @@ module Make
Value.extract_exn ~ops:Bool.ops value

and eval_def ~reraise st model delayed evaluated_goals { file; loc; contents = defs; } =
let newly_defined =
List.fold_left (fun newly_defined (cst, func) ->
let model, newly_defined =
List.fold_left (fun (model, newly_defined) (cst, func) ->
if State.get State.debug st then begin
Format.eprintf "[model][eval][%a] @[<hv 2>%a ->@ @[<hov>%a@]@]@."
Dolmen.Std.Loc.fmt_compact (Dolmen.Std.Loc.full_loc loc)
Expand All @@ -572,10 +576,11 @@ module Make
Dolmen.Std.Expr.Term.Const.print cst
Value.print value
Model.Cst.add cst value newly_defined
) Model.empty defs
let model = Model.Cst.add cst value model in
let newly_defined = cst :: newly_defined in
model, newly_defined
) (model, []) defs
let model = Model.disjoint_union model newly_defined in
let st, model, delayed, evaluated_goals =
eval_newly_defined st model delayed evaluated_goals newly_defined
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ type t = {
let empty =
{ vars = V.empty; csts = C.empty; }

let vars { vars; _ } = vars
let csts { csts; _ } = csts

let print fmt model =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>@[<hv 2>{";
V.iter (fun var value ->
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/model/model.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ val empty : t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Print function *)

val vars : t -> Value.t V.t

val csts : t -> Value.t C.t

val disjoint_union : t -> t -> t
(** Disjoint union *)

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ let[@inline] mk (type a) ~(ops: a ops) (x : a) =
let (module V) = ops in
Value (V.Val, ops, x)

let dummy =
let ops = ops ~compare ~print:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "()") () in
mk ~ops ()

(* Std operations *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/model/value.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ exception Extraction_failed of t * any_ops
(* Creating/extracting values *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)

val dummy : t

val mk : ops:'a ops -> 'a -> t

val extract : ops:'a ops -> t -> 'a option
Expand Down
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions tests/model/funs/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,38 @@
(action (diff fun_3.expected fun_3.full)))

; Test for issue_163.smt2
; Incremental test

(target issue_163.incremental)
(deps (:response issue_163.rsmt2) (:input issue_163.smt2))
(package dolmen_bin)
(action (chdir %{workspace_root}
(with-outputs-to %{target}
(with-accepted-exit-codes (or 0 (not 0))
(run dolmen --check-model=true -r %{response} --mode=incremental --color=never %{input} %{read-lines:flags.dune}))))))
(alias runtest)
(package dolmen_bin)
(action (diff issue_163.expected issue_163.incremental)))

; Full mode test

(target issue_163.full)
(deps (:response issue_163.rsmt2) (:input issue_163.smt2))
(package dolmen_bin)
(action (chdir %{workspace_root}
(with-outputs-to %{target}
(with-accepted-exit-codes (or 0 (not 0))
(run dolmen --check-model=true -r %{response} --mode=full --color=never %{input} %{read-lines:flags.dune}))))))
(alias runtest)
(package dolmen_bin)
(action (diff issue_163.expected issue_163.full)))

; Test for out_of_order.smt2
; Incremental test

Expand Down
Empty file.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/model/funs/issue_163.rsmt2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(define-fun x156 () x152 (as @x152_34 x152))
(define-fun x53 () x152 (as @x152_19 x152))
(define-fun x310 () x152 (as @x152_19 x152))
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions tests/model/funs/issue_163.smt2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(set-logic QF_UF)
(declare-sort x152 0)
(declare-fun x156 () x152)
(declare-fun x53 () x152)
(assert (not (= x53 x156)))
(declare-fun x310 () x152)
(assert (= x310 x53))

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