Acapela Group is a python module that lets you extract text-to-speech generated mp3 urls from with the provided parameters such as language, selected voice and text.
At the moment, this package is only supported for python >= 3.6. Feel free to open a pull request to ask for previous version support if you are interested in the project!
Setup with:
python install
You can use acapela-group either through the command line:
$ acapela-group "French (France)" "AntoineFromAfar (emotive voice)" \
"Ce module est développé par un français."
Or as a library:
from acapela_group.base import AcapelaGroup
acapela_group = AcapelaGroup()
# Optional: you can authenticate against the website, so the generated
# sounds won't have that stupid background music spoiling everything.
acapela_group.authenticate('username', 'password')
print(acapela_group.get_mp3_url('French (France)',
'AntoineFromAfar (emotive voice)',
'Tout ça à cause de Sloman'))