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MLC: Machine Learning Compiler (TVM)

GEMM 硬件加速优化

GPU Tesla V100-FHHL-16GB status: clock rate 1.290 GHz FP32 cores num 640, FP32 peak throughput 13209.600 GFLOPS GFLOPS


  • GPU use: 15.038(ms) CPU use: 864.883(ms) Max Error: 0.000061
  • GPU Throughput: 142.800 GFLOPS
  • 性能: 1.075 %


  • GPU use: 2.401(ms) CPU use: 862.416(ms) Max Error: 0.000061
  • GPU Throughput: 894.356 GFLOPS
  • 性能: 6.775 %


  • GPU use: 1.494(ms) CPU use: 863.312(ms) Max Error: 0.000061
  • GPU Throughput: 1437.729 GFLOPS
  • 性能: 10.884 %


  • GPU use: 0.396(ms) CPU use: 859.746(ms) Max Error: 0.000061
  • GPU Throughput: 5418.560 GFLOPS
  • 性能: 41.020 %

Chapter 2 TensorIR

TensorIR 基础概念


  • TVMSript
  • Tensor Expression


  • 函数参数 与 缓冲区 T.buffer[(dim0, dim1), "dtype"]
  • For 循环迭代 for i, j, l in T.grid(128, 128, 128)
  • 计算块
    • T.block("Buffer")
    • 块轴的属性:spaital, reduce
    • 块轴绑定的语法糖 vi, vj, vk = T.axis.remap("SSR", [i, j, k])
  • 函数属性 和 装饰器
    • T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "mm_relu", "tir.noalias": True})
    • "global_symbol" 对应函数名
    • "tir.noalias" 表示缓冲区的存储器不重叠


TVM 广播加法

class MyAdd:
  def add(A:T.Buffer[(4,4), "int64"],
          B:T.Buffer[(4,), "int64"],
          C:T.Buffer[(4,4), "int64"]):
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "add", "tir.noalias": True})
    for i, j in T.grid(4,4):
        with T.block("C"):
          vi = T.axis.spatial(4, i)
          vj = T.axis.spatial(4, j)
          C[vi, vj] = A[vi, vj] + B[vj]

TVM 二维卷积

  • 目前推荐TensorIR的T.Buffer[] 的参数 shapeconstant(from 冯思远)
N, CI, H, W, CO, K = 1, 1, 8, 8, 2, 3
OUT_H, OUT_W = H - K + 1, W - K + 1
data = np.arange(N*CI*H*W).reshape(N, CI, H, W)
weight = np.arange(CO*CI*K*K).reshape(CO, CI, K, K)
  • 先写出numpy版本,更容易去参照着优化
def convol_1(A: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray, C: np.ndarray):
    for i in range(1): 
        for j in range(2):
          for k in range(6):
            for l in range(6):
              for m in range(3):
                for n in range(3):
                  C[i, j, k ,l] += A[i, i, k + m, l + n] * B[j, i, m, n]
class MyConv:
  def conv(A:T.Buffer[(1, 1, 8, 8),"int64"],
        B:T.Buffer[(2, 1, 3, 3),"int64"],
        C:T.Buffer[(1, 2, 6, 6),"int64"]):
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "conv", "tir.noalias": True})
    for i, j, k, l, m, n in T.grid(1, 2, 6, 6, 3, 3):
      with T.block("C"):
        vi, vj, vk, vl, vm, vn = T.axis.remap("SSSSRR",[i, j, k, l, m, n])
        with T.init():
          C[vi, vj, vk, vl]= T.int64(0)
        C[vi, vj, vk, vl] = C[vi, vj, vk, vl] + A[vi, vi, vk + vm, vl + vn] *  B[vj, vi, vm, vn]

TVM 变换批量矩阵乘法


  • numpy版本
def lnumpy_mm_relu_v2(A: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray, C: np.ndarray):
    Y = np.empty((16, 128, 128), dtype="float32")
    for n in range(16):
        for i in range(128):
            for j in range(128):
                for k in range(128):
                    if k == 0:
                        Y[n, i, j] = 0
                    Y[n, i, j] = Y[n, i, j] + A[n, i, k] * B[n, k, j]
    for n in range(16):
        for i in range(128):
            for j in range(128):
                C[n, i, j] = max(Y[n, i, j], 0)
  • TVM 版本
class MyBmmRelu:
  def bmm_relu(A: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"],
               B: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"],
               C: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"]):
    T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "bmm_relu", "tir.noalias": True})
    Y = T.alloc_buffer((16, 128, 128))
    for n ,i, j, k in T.grid(16, 128, 128, 128):
      with T.block("Y"):
        vn, vi, vj ,vk = T.axis.remap("SSSR", [n, i, j, k])
        with T.init():
            Y[vn, vi, vj] = T.float32(0)
        Y[vn, vi, vj] = Y[vn, vi, vj] + A[vn, vi ,vk] * B[vn, vk, vj]
    for n, i, j in T.grid(16, 128, 128):
      with T.block("C"):
        vn, vi ,vj = T.axis.remap("SSS", [n, i, j])
        C[vn, vi, vj]  = T.max(Y[vn, vi, vj], T.float32(0))
  • 变换TensorRT
sch = tvm.tir.Schedule(MyBmmRelu)
# Step 1. Get blocks 首先对Y进行拆解
Y = sch.get_block("Y", func_name="bmm_relu")
# Step 2. Get loops
n, i, j, k = sch.get_loops(Y)
# Step 3. Organize the loops 
j0, j1 = sch.split(j, factors = [None, 8])
sch.reorder(n, i, j0, k, j1)
n, i, j0, k, j1 = sch.get_loops(Y) 
C = sch.get_block("C", "bmm_relu")
sch.reverse_compute_at(C, j0)
# Step 4. decompose reduction 将初始化与规约分开
sch.decompose_reduction(Y, k)
# Step 5. vectorize / parallel / unroll
Y_init = sch.get_block("Y_init", "bmm_relu")
ax0_init = sch.get_loops(Y_init)

C = sch.get_block("C", "bmm_relu")
ax0 = sch.get_loops(C)

k0, k1 = sch.split(k, factors = [None, 4])
class TargetModule:
    def bmm_relu(A: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"], B: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"], C: T.Buffer[(16, 128, 128), "float32"]) -> None:
        T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "bmm_relu", "tir.noalias": True})
        Y = T.alloc_buffer([16, 128, 128], dtype="float32")
        for i0 in T.parallel(16): # n = i0
            for i1, i2_0 in T.grid(128, 16): # i1 = i , j0 = i2_0
                for ax0_init in T.vectorized(8):
                    with T.block("Y_init"):
                        n, i = T.axis.remap("SS", [i0, i1])
                        j = T.axis.spatial(128, i2_0 * 8 + ax0_init)
                        Y[n, i, j] = T.float32(0)
                for ax1_0 in T.serial(32):  # [ax1_0,ax1_1] =[ 32 ,4] k 
                    for ax1_1 in T.unroll(4):
                        for ax0 in T.serial(8): # j1 = ax0
                            with T.block("Y_update"):
                                n, i = T.axis.remap("SS", [i0, i1])
                                j = T.axis.spatial(128, i2_0 * 8 + ax0)
                                k = T.axis.reduce(128, ax1_0 * 4 + ax1_1)
                                Y[n, i, j] = Y[n, i, j] + A[n, i, k] * B[n, k, j]
                for i2_1 in T.vectorized(8):
                    with T.block("C"):
                        n, i = T.axis.remap("SS", [i0, i1])
                        j = T.axis.spatial(128, i2_0 * 8 + i2_1)
                        C[n, i, j] = T.max(Y[n, i, j], T.float32(0))
  • 实验结果 res of transform

Chapter 3 IRModule


  • 基于计算图进行优化,尽量将低层次代码抽象成计算图模式(吸取TF经验)
  • 利用 call_tirdataflow block
    • call_tir 完成对低层次函数的封装,构造成计算图模式
    • dataflow block 确定计算图优化区域
  • IRModule 允许注册现有库函数,并且可以和自己写的TensorIR使用


从Torch 迁移一个小模型

  • 利用 emit_te 将张量表达式转换为符合计算图标准的 TensorIR
def conv2d_1(Input, fliter, bias):
  lv1_0 = tvm.topi.nn.conv2d(Input, fliter, 1, 0, 1)
  return tvm.topi.add(lv1_0, bias)
def relu_2(Input):
  return tvm.topi.nn.relu(Input)

def maxPool_3(Input):
  # return tvm.topi.nn.pool2d(Input, (2, 2), (0, 0) , 1, (0, 0, 0, 0), 'max', False, 'NHCW', False)
  return tvm.topi.nn.pool2d(data = Input, kernel = [2, 2], dilation = (1,1), stride = [2,2], padding = [0,0,0,0], pool_type = 'max')
def flatten_4(Input):
  return tvm.topi.nn.flatten(Input)

def linear_5(Input, weight, bias):
  lv5_0 = tvm.topi.nn.dense(Input, weight)
  return tvm.topi.add(lv5_0, bias) 
def relu_6(Input):
  return tvm.topi.nn.relu(Input)

def linear_7(Input, weight ,bias):
  lv7_0 = tvm.topi.nn.dense(Input, weight)
  return tvm.topi.add(lv7_0, bias) 

def softMax_8(Intput):
  return tvm.topi.nn.softmax(Intput, axis=- 1)

def create_model_via_emit_te():
    bb = relax.BlockBuilder()
    x = relax.Var("x", input_shape, relax.DynTensorType(batch_size, "float32"))

    conv2d_weight = relax.const(weight_map["conv2d_weight"], "float32")
    conv2d_bias = relax.const(weight_map["conv2d_bias"].reshape(1, 32, 1, 1), "float32")
    linear0_weight = relax.const(weight_map["linear0_weight"], "float32")
    linear0_bias = relax.const(weight_map["linear0_bias"].reshape(1, 100), "float32")
    linear1_weight = relax.const(weight_map["linear1_weight"], "float32")
    linear1_bias = relax.const(weight_map["linear1_bias"].reshape(1, 10), "float32")

    with bb.function("main", [x]):
        with bb.dataflow():
          lv1 = bb.emit_te(conv2d_1, x, conv2d_weight, conv2d_bias)
          lv2 = bb.emit_te(relu_2, lv1)
          lv3 = bb.emit_te(maxPool_3, lv2)
          lv4 = bb.emit_te(flatten_4, lv3)
          lv5 = bb.emit_te(linear_5, lv4, linear0_weight, linear0_bias)
          lv6 = bb.emit_te(relu_6, lv5)
          lv7 = bb.emit_te(linear_7, lv6, linear1_weight, linear1_bias)
          lv8 = bb.emit_te(softMax_8, lv7)

          gv = bb.emit_output(lv8)

    return bb.get()
mod = create_model_via_emit_te()

混合torch 和 topi 构建模型

@tvm.register_func("env.conv2d", override=True)
def torch_conv2d(
    x: tvm.nd.NDArray,
    w: tvm.nd.NDArray,
    out : tvm.nd.NDArray
    x_torch = torch.from_dlpack(x)
    w_torch = torch.from_dlpack(w)
    out_torch = torch.from_dlpack(out)
    t = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x_torch, w_torch)

lv1_0 = bb.emit(relax.op.call_tir(relax.extern("env.conv2d"), (x, conv2d_weight),(4, 32, 26, 26), dtype="float32"))


mod = create_model_via_emit_te_4()
sch = tvm.tir.Schedule(mod)
# Step 1. Get blocks

# Step 2. Inline the padding block (if exists)
pad_temp = sch.get_block("pad_temp", "conv2d_1")

# Step 3. Get loops
conv = sch.get_block("conv2d_nchw","conv2d_1")

# Step 4. Organize the loops
i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6 = sch.get_loops(conv)

i0_0, i0_1 = sch.split(i0, factors=[2, 2])
i1_0, i1_1 = sch.split(i1, factors=[None, 4])
i2_0, i2_1 = sch.split(i2, factors=[None, 2])
i3_0, i3_1 = sch.split(i3, factors=[None, 2])
sch.reorder(i0_0, i1_0, i2_0, i3_0, i4, i5, i6, i0_1, i1_1, i2_1, i3_1)

i0_0, i1_0, i2_0, i3_0, i4, i5, i6, i0_1, i1_1, i2_1, i3_1 = sch.get_loops(conv)

sch.fuse(i0_0, i1_0, i2_0, i3_0)
i0_0_i1_0_i2_0_i3_0_fuse, i4, i5, i6, i0_1, i1_1, i2_1, i3_1 = sch.get_loops(conv)



i0_0_i1_0_i2_0_i3_0_fuse, i4, i5, i6, i0_1_i1_1_fused, i2_1_i3_1_fused = sch.get_loops(conv)

sch.decompose_reduction(conv, i4)

Chapter 4 自动程序优化


  • 随机变换帮助我们指定可能程序的搜索空间。
  • Meta-Schedule 在搜索空间中搜索,并找到优化后的程序。
  • 我们可以使用另一种变换,将初始的元张量函数替换为优化后的函数,并更新的端到端执行流程。


def random_search(mod: tvm.IRModule, num_trials=5):
    best_result = None
    best_sch = None

    for i in range(num_trials):
        sch = stochastic_schedule_mm(tvm.tir.Schedule(mod))
        lib =, target="llvm")
        f_timer_after = lib.time_evaluator("main", tvm.cpu())
        result = f_timer_after(a_nd, b_nd, c_nd).mean

        print("=====Attempt %d, time-cost: %.3f ms====" % (i, result * 1000))

        # book keep the best result so far
        if best_result is None or result < best_result:
            best_result = result
            best_sch = sch

    return best_sch

sch = random_search(MyModule)


  • 跨越多个进程进行并行基准测试
  • cost model 避免每次都进行基准测试
  • evolutionary search, 遗传算法搜索,避免随机采样
sch_tuned = ms.tune_tir(
    target="llvm --num-cores=1",

Chapter 5 与机器学习框架整合


  • torch的模型的图结构导出
  • BlockBuilder 通过 emit_te 和其他函数创建IRModule
  • 根据torch的图结构构造TVM的IRModule 实现与现有框架的整合


  • 创建一个node_map, torch.Node 映射到 relax.Var, relax.Var 代表IRModule已经翻译好的节点
    • 准备好映射逻辑 troch_func to TOPI(TVM operator inventory),利用bb.emit 构造IRModule
  • 拓扑顺序迭代 torch_graph 的节点
  • 给定映射输入,获取节点的映射输出

Chapter 6 GPU 与硬件加速


  • 共享内存有助于缓存同一块内的线程中常用的数据。
  • 同一数据,会被读取很多次,在 GPU 优化期间鼓励内存重用。
  • 本地存储的切分,有助于减少内存压力,因为数据被复用,减少读取的开销。




  • 特殊的内存层级(复用 & 加速)
  • 特定的Tensor计算指令集

Chapter 7 图优化


  1. 改写图得数据结构来优化模型
  2. 使用访问者模型改写节点
  3. 进行计算图的转换,例如融合和循环级代码生成
  • IRModule 都包含一组函数

    • 函数体由一组抽象语法树AST构成
    • 程序通过递归遍历AST,并生成转换的AST
    • 利用visitor pattern 来访问AST并改写相关节点
  • 融合Dense 和 Add 算子 (Pass)

    • 识别Dense 和 Add算子
    • 生成另一个调用Dense 和 Add 算子的子函数
    • 将Dense 和 Add替换为融合后的子函数
class DenseAddFusor(relax.PyExprMutator):
    def __init__(self, mod: IRModule) -> None:
        self.mod_ = mod
        # cache pre-defined ops
        self.add_op ="relax.add")
        self.dense_op ="relax.nn.dense")
        self.counter = 0

    def transform(self) -> IRModule:
        for global_var, func in self.mod_.functions.items():
            if not isinstance(func, relax.Function):
            # avoid already fused primitive functions
            if "Primitive" in func.attrs.keys() and func.attrs["Primitive"] != 0:
            updated_func = self.visit_expr(func)
            updated_func = relax.analysis.remove_all_unused(updated_func)
            self.builder_.update_func(global_var, updated_func)

        return self.builder_.get()

    def visit_call_(self, call):
        call = self.visit_expr_post_order(call)

        def match_call(node, op):
            if not isinstance(node, relax.Call):
                return False
            return node.op == op

        # pattern match dense => add
        if not match_call(call, self.add_op):
            return call

        value = self.lookup_binding(call.args[0])
        if value is None:
            return call

        if not match_call(value, self.dense_op):
            return call

        x = value.args[0]
        w = value.args[1]
        b = call.args[1]

        # construct a new fused primitive function
        param_x = relax.Var("x", x.shape_, x._checked_type_)
        param_w = relax.Var("w", w.shape_, w._checked_type_)
        param_b = relax.Var("b", b.shape_, b._checked_type_)

        bb = relax.BlockBuilder()

        fn_name = "fused_dense_add%d" % (self.counter)
        self.counter += 1
        with bb.function(fn_name, [param_x, param_w, param_b]):
            with bb.dataflow():
                lv0 = bb.emit(relax.op.nn.dense(param_x, param_w))
                gv = bb.emit_output(relax.op.add(lv0, param_b))

        # Add Primitive attribute to the fused funtions
        fused_fn = bb.get()[fn_name].with_attr("Primitive", 1)
        global_var = self.builder_.add_func(fused_fn, fn_name)

        # construct call into the fused function
        return relax.Call(global_var, [x, w, b], None, None), name="DeseAddFuse")
class FuseDenseAddPass:
    """The wrapper for the LowerTensorIR pass."""
    def transform_module(self, mod, ctx):
        return DenseAddFusor(mod).transform()

MLPFused = FuseDenseAddPass()(MLPModel)

-LowerTensorIR pass

  • IRModule 包含对图层op得调用,图层op需要映射到相应得TensorIR中
  • 将图层算子重新映射到相应得TensorIR中,利用了block builder
class LowerToTensorIR(relax.PyExprMutator):
    def __init__(self, mod: IRModule, op_map) -> None:
        self.mod_ = mod
        self.op_map = {
   v for k, v in op_map.items()

    def visit_call_(self, call):
        call = self.visit_expr_post_order(call)

        if call.op in self.op_map:
            return self.op_map[call.op](self.builder_, call)
        return call

    def transform(self) -> IRModule:
        for global_var, func in self.mod_.functions.items():
            if not isinstance(func, relax.Function):
            updated_func = self.visit_expr(func)
            self.builder_.update_func(global_var, updated_func)

        return self.builder_.get()

def map_dense(bb, call):
    x, w = call.args
    return bb.call_te(topi.nn.dense, x, w)

def map_add(bb, call):
    a, b = call.args
    return bb.call_te(topi.add, a, b)

def map_relu(bb, call):
    return bb.call_te(topi.nn.relu, call.args[0])

op_map = {
  "relax.nn.dense": map_dense,
  "relax.add": map_add,
  "relax.nn.relu": map_relu
}, name="LowerToTensorIR")
class LowerToTensorIRPass:
    """The wrapper for the LowerTensorIR pass."""
    def transform_module(self, mod, ctx):
        return LowerToTensorIR(mod, op_map).transform()

MLPModelTIR = LowerToTensorIRPass()(MLPFused)


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