class Person {
// ! 构造器参数逐渐增加、构造逻辑逐渐复杂
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
age: number,
address: string,
gender: string,
maxWeight: number,
minWeight: number
) {
// ! 复杂校验逻辑
if (!firstName) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!lastName) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!age) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!address) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!gender) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!maxWeight) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (!minWeight) throw new Error('firstName cannot be undefined');
if (minWeight > maxWeight)
throw new Error('minWeight should not more than maxWeight');
this._firstName = firstName;
this._lastName = lastName;
this._age = age;
this._address = address;
this._gender = gender;
this._minWeight = minWeight;
this._maxWeight = maxWeight;
// 可读性和易用性都很差: 参数名称一眼看不出来、参数顺序可能输错
const james = new Person('James', 'Wang', 30, '46 Maria Road', 'male', 85, 60);
// pros: easy to read and use (client-side)
// pros: easy to extend field validation logic based on class-validator
// pros: easy to extend integration validation logic based on DTOBase class code reuse
// cons: have to declare types
// pros > cons
const james2: Person2 = Person2.fromObject({
firstName: 'James2',
lastName: 'Wang',
age: 30,
address: '46 Maria Road',
gender: 'male',
minWeight: 30,
maxWeight: 60,
// pros: read to read and use (client-side)
// cons: has to add field validation logic manually (or you still use class-validator)
// cons: some parts of source code is redundant
// pros < cons
const james3 = new Person3.Builder()
.setAddress('46 Maria Road')
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