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Fully fledged Druid distribution. Up and running.

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Druid Docker

Creates fully configured and ready to use druid cluster, which uses s3 as a deep storage and mysql as a metadata store.


You can start everything with this command:

docker-compose up

All environment variables ${} in docker compose file are substituted by values defined in .env file

By default it ships with 0.20.0 version. If you are willing to change the version use this command:

docker-compose build --build-arg DRUID_VERSION="your-version"

This starts a Druid cluster including:

  • Zookeeper
    • zoonavigator-web - Web interface for managing configuration stored whithin the ZooKeeper. Runs on 8000 port.
    • zoonavigator-api - Just a backend to serve zoonavigator-web requests.
    • zookeeper - ZooKeeper itself. Runs on 2181 port.
  • S3
    • s3-minio - An open source service to mimic S3 API and behavior. Runs on 9000 port.
  • Mysql
    • mysql - Offical mysql image, 5.7.26 version is used. Runs on 3306 port.


Druid is very sensitive to memory settings. Despite my attempts to reduce buffer size and other settings related to memory consumption, it requires at least 4 GB of memory to run. Don't forget to adjust Docker's memory settings to fit the requirements.

The most useful services:

  1. Druid Management UI - http://localhost:8080
  2. S3 Minio UI - http://localhost:9000
    access - druid-s3-access
    secret -druid-s3-secret
  3. Zookeeper Web UI - http://localhost:8000
    connection string: zookeeper:2181
  4. Mysql connection jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid
    user name - druid
    password - diurd (root password - 1234)

Druid Cluster

  • coordinator runs on 8081 port

The coordinator is primarily responsible for segment management and distribution. More specifically, the Druid Coordinator process communicates to Historical processes to load or drop segments based on configurations. The Druid Coordinator is responsible for loading new segments, dropping outdated segments, managing segment replication, and balancing segment load.

  • broker runs on 8082 port

The Broker is the process to route queries to if you want to run a distributed cluster. It understands the metadata published to ZooKeeper about what segments exist on what processes and routes queries such that they hit the right processes. This process also merges the result sets from all of the individual processes together. On start up, Historical processes announce themselves and the segments they are serving in Zookeeper.

  • historical runs on 8083 port

Each Historical process maintains a constant connection to Zookeeper and watches a configurable set of Zookeeper paths for new segment information. Historical processes do not communicate directly with each other or with the Coordinator processes but instead rely on Zookeeper for coordination.

  • overlord runs on 8090 port

The Overlord process is responsible for accepting tasks, coordinating task distribution, creating locks around tasks, and returning statuses to callers. Overlord can be configured to run in one of two modes - local or remote. In local mode Overlord is also responsible for creating Peons for executing tasks. When running the Overlord in local mode, all MiddleManager and Peon configurations must be provided as well. Our cluster is configured to run in remote mode.

  • middlemanager runs on 8091 port

The MiddleManager process is a worker process that executes submitted tasks. Middle Managers forward tasks to Peons that run in separate JVMs.

  • router runs on 8080 port

In addition to query routing, the Router also runs the Druid Console, a management UI for datasources, segments, tasks, data processes (Historicals and MiddleManagers), and coordinator dynamic configuration. The user can also run SQL and native Druid queries within the console.


Go to the router page and you should see the following UI

Go to the s3-minio page and you should see the following UI (secrets could be found in running section)

Go to the zookeeper web page and you should see the following UI (secrets could be found in running section)

Testing our cluster

Go to the s3-minio and create a new bucket called testbucket, then upload wikiticker-2015-09-12-sampled.json.
Screenshot The file can be found inside the druid-docker/data folder.

After uploading the file go to the Router UI then click Load data -> Amazon S3 -> Connect data Screenshot Enter s3://testbucket/wikiticker-2015-09-12-sampled.json.gz to S3 URIs, Apply then click Parse data

You will see the raw content of your json file Screenshot

Now we will explain to Druid how to parse our json file. Click on Edit spec button and insert the spec defined in wikipedia-index.json Press Submit button and vuola Druid has started running the task. Screenshot

After the ingestion task has been finished, the data will be loaded by Historical processes and available for querying within a minute or two. The segment files could be found in s3 storgae as well. Screenshot

Alternatively you could start the process using the following curl command. It will submit the task, POST it to Druid's overlord (by default it runs on 8090)

curl -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d @your-repository-folder/wikipedia-index.json http://localhost:8090/druid/indexer/v1/task

Quering Data

Now open sql tab: http://localhost:8080/unified-console.html#query

You are free to run any sql query, for example:

SELECT page, COUNT(*) AS Edits 
FROM wikipedia 
WHERE "__time" BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2015-09-12 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2015-09-13 00:00:00' 
GROUP BY page 


Or any other query as demonstared in this tutorial.

Druid Configuration

Environments variables

  • ZOOKEEPER_SERVER - The zookeeper server address.
  • DRUID_SERVICE - The name of the druid service [broker, historical, coordinator, overlord, middleManager, router]
  • DRUID_HOST - The advertiser address that uses druid to expose the service on zookeeper.
  • DRUID_SERVICE_PORT - The service port where bind the druid service.
  • DRUID_JVM_ARGS - The JVM arguments to execute the druid services.
  • DRUID_PULL_EXTENSION - The druid extension to download, this download is performed at running time. You need to pass the extension with whitespace: extension1:extension1:version extension2:extension2:version
  • AWS_REGION - AWS region this is needed to work with AWS S3 extension.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY - Your S3 access key
  • S3_SECRET_KEY - Your S3 secret key
  • S3_STORAGE_BUKCET - S3 bucket for segmnts to be stored into, must exists
  • S3_STORAGE_BASE_KEY - S3 segments path key
  • METADATA_STORAGE_HOST - The name of the metadata storage [mysql, postgresql, derby]
  • METADATA_STORAGE_PORT - The port metadata storage is listening on
  • METADATA_STORAGE_USER - The user name to connect to the metadata storage
  • METADATA_STORAGE_PASSWORD - The password to connect to the metadata storage

Hadoop Integration

  • Configuring hadoop-client

In order to enable Hadoop indexing hadoop-client should be properly configured.
To configure client Hadoop configuration files (e.g. core-site.xml, yarn-site.xml, etc) should exist on the Druid's classpath.
Just place them under ~/drud/conf/_common/hadoop_xml/ folder and script will add them to the Druid’s classpath.

  • Changing Hadoop version

Changing Hadoop version is as simple as setting HADOOP_VERSION variable.
By default it is taken from common_env_config file, e.g.

  • Loading additional extension

Any additional extensions could be loaded by modifying DRUID_HADOOP_EXTENIONS variable. E.g. Adding aws-s3 supprot:

  • Configuring indexing service which is part of the middlemanager

Change druid.indexer.task.defaultHadoopCoordinates property in the ~/middleManager/runtime.properties_env file E.g.

  • Using Amazon's S3 as a deep storage isntead of minio

Comment the following properties ~/druid/_common/common.runtime.properties_env file:


And don't foget to modify these variables: AWS_REGION

Run each service separately


  • build an image
docker build -t druid-mysql-image .
  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name mysql -p 3306:3306 --network druid-net --env-file ../.env druid-mysql-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name s3-minio -p 9000:9000 --network druid-net -e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access -e MINIO_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret --env-file .env minio/minio:latest server /data 


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 --network druid-net -e ZOO_MY_ID=1 zookeeper:latest


  • build an image
docker build -t druid-base-image .


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name coordinator -p 8080:8081 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=coordinator  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name broker -p 8383:8082 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=broker  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms3g -Xmx3g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager -XX:NewSize=512m -XX:MaxNewSize=512m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=3g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name historical -p 8083:8083 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=historical  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=3g -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager -XX:NewSize=1g -XX:MaxNewSize=1g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name overlord -p 8082:8090 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=overlord  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name middlemanager -p 8091:8091 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=middleManager  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


  • run as a service
docker run -dit --name router -p 8081:8080 --network druid-net \
-e DRUID_SERVICE=router  \
-e "DRUID_JVM_ARGS=-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY=druid-s3-access \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY=druid-s3-secret \
--env-file common_env_config druid-base-image


Fully fledged Druid distribution. Up and running.







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