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GNIP 23 Add GeoRSS Layers such as Picasa and Youtube Feeds

mbertrand edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 6 revisions

GNIP 23 - Add GeoRSS Layers such as Picasa and Youtube Feeds


Add functionality to display GeoRSS feeds such as Picasa and Youtube as layers on a map.

##Pull Requests

Proposed by

Matt Bertrand

Assigned to Release



Generic GeoRSS feed source: FeedSource.js - extends LayerSource

Picasa: PicasaFeedSource.js - extends FeedSource, includes custom format.

Youtube: YoutubeFeedSource.js - extends FeedSource, includes custom format.

FeedSourceDialog - UI for adding feeds, includes styling options.

GeoRSS Feed UI

GeoRSS Feed UI


This feature was present on the original version of AfricaMap and needed to be available in WorldMap.


  • Created a new generic GXP extension of LayerSource - FeedSource - that connects to the user submitted URL, and prepares the feed for display via OpenLayers.Layer.WFS and OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS. Created specific LayerSource extensions for Youtube and Picasa in order to customize their display via 'createFeatureFromItem' (to display a thumbnail for each point and when clicked play a video or enlarge a photo for example).

  • Created a widget for users to enter the GeoRSS URL, type (generic, Youtube, Picasa), and perhaps keywords.

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