A postgis extension with PLV8 functions for geospatial data
This extension will load a couple of hand-picked javascript geometry-related libraries into your postgres database to use them with plv8. At the moment the following libraries are included (also see the js directory):
- d3: 4.7.4,
- d3-contour: 1.1.0,
- d3-force: 1.0.6,
- d3-geo: 1.6.3,
- d3-hexbin: 0.2.2,
- delaunator: 1.0.2,
- earcut: 2.1.1
- geotiff: 0.4.1,
- topojson: 3.0.0,
- jsts: 1.4.0
Run database with everything installed on Docker:
$ docker run -p 5432:5432 geodan/postgis_plv8_geo
login with: postgres/postgres
Command for building image:
$ docker build -t geodan/postgis_plv8_geo .
PostgreSQL 9.4 with PL/v8 2.0.3 [https://github.com/plv8/plv8]
note: PLv8 2.0.3 packages not available yet, requires manual build See the instructions over here: https://github.com/plv8/plv8/blob/master/doc/plv8.md#installing-plv8 (make sure to use make static in order to get the latest v8 engine) Older plv8 packages do not support newer ECMAscript version and therefor most libraries do not work (even refuse to install)
On a linux machine (tested on Ubuntu 17.04), clone the git repository and run:
sudo make install
Note: the make step is only needed when you want to add libraries yourself. It would be necessary to edit the Makefile in order for these libraries to be loaded.
You can test to see if the library will load and run on your system with:
make installcheck (optional: PGUSER=username PGHOST=myhost etc..)
In your sql prompt run CREATE EXTENSION plv8geo
This will put all the plv8geo stuff into a new schema called plv8. Functions will be available from this schema.
In order to have the libraries loaded at startup time, add the following to postgresql.conf:
plv8.startproc = 'plv8.plv8_startup'
Sample getting started for running D3.js function Hexbin (https://github.com/d3/d3-hexbin):
sql:> select plv8.plv8_startup();
sql:> do language plv8 'load_module("d3")';
sql:> do language plv8 'load_module("d3-hexbin")';
sql:> SELECT plv8.d3_hexbin(('[[1,2],[0.5,0.5],[2,2]]')::json,'["foo","bar","baz"]'::JSON,1);
"{"x": 0.8660254037844386, "y": 1.5, "data": [{"0": 1, "1": 2, "key": "foo"}]}"
"{"x": 0, "y": 0, "data": [{"0": 0.5, "1": 0.5, "key": "bar"}]}"
"{"x": 2.598076211353316, "y": 1.5, "data": [{"0": 2, "1": 2, "key": "baz"}]}"
SELECT plv8.d3_totopojson(<featurecollection>::JSONB)
Returns topology
SELECT plv8.d3_simplifytopology(<topology>::JSONB,<factor>::numeric)
Returns topology::JSONB
SELECT plv8.mergetopology(<topojson>::JSONB,<propertykey>::TEXT)
Merges the features ins the topology based on a common property. Return set of geojson::JSONB features
SELECT plv8.d3_topologytofeatures(<topojson>::JSONB)
Returns set of geojson features
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValue(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 1, 2, 5) AS rast
SELECT plv8.d3_contour(array_to_json(ST_DumpValues(rast, 1))) AS values FROM foo;
SELECT plv8.d3_hexbin(<array of [x,y]::JSON,<array of keys>::JSON,radius::INTEGER);
returns setof JSONB with {x:centerx, y:centery, data:[{all points in hexagon, with their data}]}
SELECT plv8.delaunator(<multipoint>::JSONB)
returns JSONB
SELECT plv8.earcut(<geometry>::JSONB)
returns JSONB with GeoJSON of multipolygon
SELECT plv8.jsts_voronoi(<multipoint geometry>::JSONB)
returns JSONB with GeoJSON of multipolygon
Simplify an existing set of geometries topologically
WITH geojson as (
SELECT json_build_object(
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(
'type', 'Feature',
'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_ForceRHR(geom))::json,
'properties', ('{"ogc_fid":' || ogc_fid || '}')::jsonb
)::jsonb as geojson
FROM france.departement
, topojson as (
SELECT plv8.d3_totopojson(geojson, 1e8) topojson FROM geojson
, simplified as (
SELECT plv8.d3_simplifytopology(topojson, 0.01) simplifiedtopojson FROM topojson
, features as (
SELECT plv8.d3_topologytofeatures(simplifiedtopojson) geojsonfeature FROM simplified
st_setsrid(st_geomFromGeoJson(geojsonfeature->>'geometry'),4326) as geom,
(geojsonfeature->'properties'->>'ogc_fid')::integer as ogc_fid
FROM features;
select plv8.plv8_startup();
do language plv8 'load_module("d3")';
do language plv8 'load_module("d3-contour")';
do language plv8 'load_module("geotiff")';
SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers = 'ENABLE_ALL';
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValue(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 1, 2, 5) AS rast
,args AS (
SELECT ROW(1, '-10-300:-10-300', '16BUI', NULL)::reclassarg arg
SELECT plv8.d3_contour(
),10) AS values FROM args,foo;
Run delaunator over a set of 10000 points
WITH points AS (
SELECT ST_GeneratePoints(ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,100,100),10000) geom
SELECT plv8.delaunator(ST_AsGeoJson(geom)::JSONB)
FROM points
Do a hexbin aggregate over a set of 3 points
SELECT plv8.d3_hexbin(('[[1,2],[0.5,0.5],[2,2]]')::json,'["foo","bar","baz"]'::JSON,1);
Run earcut on a polygon
SELECT plv8.earcut(ST_AsGeoJson(ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,10,10))::JSONB);
Create a voronoi out of 10k points
WITH points as (
SELECT ST_GeneratePoints(ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,100,100),10000) geom
,jsts AS (
SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoJson(plv8.jsts_voronoi(ST_AsGeoJson(geom)::jsonb)::text) geom FROM points
geos AS ( --added exactly the same function from geos for comparison
SELECT ST_VoronoiPolygons(geom) geom FROM points
SELECT (ST_Dump(geom)).geom FROM jsts