The geophys_utils Python library is a collection of utilities for discovering, accessing and using geophysics data via web services or from netCDF files. This library is maintained by Geoscience Australia with ongoing contributions from the original Author, Alex Ip.
An overview of the netCDF encodings for grid, point and line geophysical data can be viewed at
Any feedback, suggestions or contributions will be gratefully accepted.
Click this button to launch an example notebook in the ARDC Binder service:
Note that the BinderHub deployment uses a prebuilt base image providing a Conda environment with GDAL, netCDF4 and other dependencies to speed up the overall build process. The Dockerfile in the root of this repository is used to create the notebook container for geophys_utils in BinderHub.
There is a docker directory in the project root which contains Dockerfiles which will allow you to create fresh Docker
images from the current source code using the command
docker build --progress=plain -t <image_name>:<image_tag> -f docker/Dockerfile_<version> .
in the project root directory. Alternatively, you can run the
script to build all the images
Note that, depending on the OS, Python, and GDAL version, some builds can initially take longer due to the extensive
dependencies for large packages such as NetCDF and SciPy. After the initial builds, the layers should be cached for
faste subsequent builds.
Alternatively, you can pull a pre-made Ubuntu image with the latest versions using the following commands:
# Pull down the latest stable Ubuntu image from DockerHub
docker pull alexip/geophys_utils:latest
# Run unit tests
docker run --rm --name geophys_utils alexip/geophys_utils:latest python -m geophys_utils.test
# Start an interactive shell in the container
docker run -it --name geophys_utils alexip/geophys_utils:latest /bin/bash
The content of this repository is licensed for use under the Apache 2.0 License. See the license deed for full details.
Geoscience Australia Publisher
Alex Ip Principal Author
Andrew Turner Contributing Author