This is a TYPO3 CMS extension that provides various Fluid ViewHelpers to generate PDF documents. Using the ViewHelpers from this extension you can make any Fluid template into a PDF document. The extension pdfviewhelpers is using TCPDF for the PDF generation. In addition you have the possibility to use existing PDF documents as template and extend them as you want.
{namespace pdf=Bithost\Pdfviewhelpers\ViewHelpers}
<pdf:document outputDestination="I" title="Bithost Example">
<pdf:text color="#8C8C8C">
Zurich, < format="d.m.Y" >now</>
<pdf:headline>Welcome to the extension pdfviewhelpers</pdf:headline>
<pdf:text>Lorem ipsum vero [..] ipsum dolor sit amet.</pdf:text>
<pdf:headline>Some more information</pdf:headline>
<pdf:text>Lorem ipsum [..] sed diam voluptua:</pdf:text>
<pdf:list listElements="{0: 'Websites using TYPO3', 1: 'Application Development', 2: 'Mobile Apps', 3: 'Hosting'}"/>
<pdf:text>Lorem ipsum dolor [..] sit amet.</pdf:text>
<pdf:image src="typo3conf/ext/pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Images/example.jpg" width="200" />
<pdf:text padding="{top:1, right:0, bottom:0, left:0}" color="#8C8C8C">Esteban Marín, Markus Mächler</pdf:text>
<pdf:text>Lorem ipsum [..] sit amet.</pdf:text>