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This is K-Means visualization website for Coffe Plants

1. Dashboard

A Dashboard to get Arduino Sensor Data

2. Dataset Upload

Upload the dataset or another custom dataset

3. Elbow Optimization

Use the uploaded dataset to Start Elbow Optimization

4. Centroid Type

Choose which type of centroid : - Means - Random

5. K-Means Process

See the details of K-Means calculation like Euclidean Distance

6. Result

See the result of K-Means Clustering

7. Export Result

Export the K-Means cluster, for now it's docx format


  • Xampp 7.4.33
  • Composer (PHP Composer)


  1. Clone to your directory
  2. Edit database connection '../config/database.php' to your database connection preference
  3. Edit base_url if needed ('../config/config.php')
  4. Import Database in '../data/' (kopi.sql) to your MySQL Server
  5. Run Composer Install and wait
  6. Open the project web in your browser