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Widevine Utility Website and Remote Widevine Device API.


Local Development

For local development testing, you will need to disable the HTTPS requirement on the OAuth Callback URLs with the environment variable OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1 or you will get the error InsecureTransportError.

  • Windows (Powershell): $env:OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1

You should also enable development mode with the DEVELOPMENT environment variable.

  • For Unix: export DEVELOPMENT=1
  • Windows (CMD): set DEVELOPMENT=1
  • Windows (Powershell): $env:DEVELOPMENT=1

For local development, you can use the built-in flask server with poetry run serve.

Database Migrations

poetry run setup

Environment Variables

  • OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT: disable ssl for oauth
  • DEVELOPMENT: Development mode, increased logging and reads environment variables from
  • STAGING: Staging mode, reads environment variables from .env.staging


Gunicorn is the recommended to run the server in production.

Example command to run on port 8081 listening on all interfaces:

  • poetry run gunicorn -w 1 -b getwvkeys.main:app

never use more than 1 worker, getwvkeys does not currently support that and you will encounter issues with sessions.

Other Info

  • Redis is used as a pub-sub system for communication with the Discord Bot. If you don't plan to use the bot, you don't need to setup redis and can comment it out in the .env file: #REDIS_URI=redis://localhost:6379/0
  • GetWVKeys uses dynamic injection for scripts, this means that when a user downloads a script and is logged in, the server injects certain values by replacing strings such as their API key. Available placeholders are:
    • __getwvkeys_api_key__: Authenticated users api key
    • __getwvkeys_api_url__: The instances API URL, this is used for staging and production mainly but can also be used for self hosted instances