ale, a lager extension, makes it possible for several processes to trace the same modules.
To build ale you will need a working installation of Erlang R15B (or
Information on building and installing Erlang/OTP
can be found here
(more info).
ale is built using rebar that can be found here, with building instructions here. rebar's dynamic configuration mechanism, described here, is used so the environment variable REBAR_DEPS
should be set to the directory where your erlang applications are located.
ale also requires lager to be installed.
Clone the repository in a suitable location:
$ git clone git://
ale extends lager by using a server that keeps track of all trace request thus making it possible for several processes to add the same traces while only adding one to lager and likewise not removing it from lager until all processes have removed it.
Available api is:
- trace(on | off, ModuleOrPidOrFilter::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(tuple)), Loglevel::atom()) - prints trace output on console as long as calling process hasn't terminated.
- trace(on | off, ModuleOrPidOrFilter::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(tuple)), Loglevel::atom(), File::string()) - prints trace output to File as long as calling process hasn't terminated.
- trace_gl(on | off, ModuleOrPidOrFilter::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(tuple)), Loglevel::atom()) - prints trace output on console as long as calling process' group leader hasn't terminated. Suitable for calls from a shell.
- trace_gl(on | off, ModuleOrPidOrFilter::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(tuple)), Loglevel::atom(), File::string()) - prints trace output to File as long as calling process' group leader hasn't terminated. Suitable for calls from a shell.
- trace_file() - returns the default trace file.
- trace_file(File::string()) - sets the default trace file.
LogLevel is debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency.
File is relative to lagers log_root if given.
See lager documentations for more details.
``` ale:trace(on, sz_master, debug). ale:trace(on, self(), debug). ale:trace_gl(on, sz_node, info, "/tmp/ale.log"). ale:trace(off, sz_master, debug). ale:trace(on, [{module, ale}, {function, start}], debug). ```
There are also some shortcut functions:
- debug(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, debug).
- info(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, info).
- warning(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, warning).
- error(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, error).
- xxx_gl(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace_gl(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, xxx) for xxx = debug | info | error | warning.
- xxx(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom()), File::string()) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, xxx, File) for xxx = debug | info | error | warning.
- xxx_gl(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom()), File::string()) - calls trace_gl(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, xxx, File) for xxx = debug | info | error | warning.
- xxxf(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, xxx, default) for xxx = debug | info | error | warning. Default trace file can be set using trace_file/1.
- xxxf_gl(ModuleOrPidOrList::atom() | pid() | tuple() | list(atom())) - calls trace_gl(on, ModuleOrPidOrList, xxx, default) for xxx = debug | info | error | warning. Default trace file can be set using trace_file/1.
Arguments to all applicable erlang applications are specified in an erlang configuration file.
Traces can be added to the ale part of the configuration file. These traces will be active as long as ale i running.
{traces, [
{[{module, sz_master}], debug},
{[{module, sz_node}], info, "/tmp/ale.log"}
An example can be found in "sys.config".
If you start tracing using the non-groupleader function calls from the shell you can stop it by 'crashing' the shell, for ex with a=b. Might be handy if you get more output than expected ;-)
Rebar will compile all needed dependencies.
$ cd ale
$ rebar compile
==> ale (compile)
There is a quick way to run the application for testing:
$ erl -sname ale -config sys -pa <path>/ale/ebin
(Instead of specifing the path to the ebin directory you can set the environment ERL_LIBS.)
To generate a proper release follow the instructions in Release Handling or look in the Rebar tutorial.
Before the last step you have to update the file "ale/rel/files/sys.config" with your own settings. You probably also have to update "ale/rel/reltool.config" with the correct path to your application (normally "{lib_dirs, ["../.."]}") and all apps you need.
{app, sasl, [{incl_cond, include}]},
{app, stdlib, [{incl_cond, include}]},
{app, kernel, [{incl_cond, include}]},
{app, lager, [{incl_cond, include}]}
{app, ale, [{incl_cond, include}]}
And then you run:
$ rebar generate
Before generating a new version of a release the old version should be (re)moved.
Start node:
$ cd rel
$ ale/bin/ale start
(If you want to have access to the erlang node use console
instead of start
ale is documented using edoc. To generate the documentation do:
$ cd ale
$ rebar doc
You get the resulting html-files in ale/doc subdirectory.