Telegram bot for saving options for passing the company in the mobile game Heroic - Magic Duel.
You can place the bot in the telegram chat of your guild, each player will be able to save his own way of passing the company level. Each player who wants a hint on how to build a deck will be able to send the command /level level number so that he will receive decks in his personal messages.
- /help - will tell you about all the functions of the bot;
- /write_for - send "/write_for level_number". Next, reply to your message with the command by sending a screenshot and it will be recorded.
- /level - send "/level level_number", bot will send you 10 photo with decks for this level. If you want get all photo for this level, use "/level level_number all"
- /delete - send "/delete id_number or multiple id numbers, bot find all id and delete it.
You need create, which looks like: token = "Your token"
You need use file where will you store the texts for the commands.
- I use map. Key -> command name or something related to the command (texts.textsStorage['absent_image']);
- Help have big text. For help I use dict.
photos dir, where telegram save all pictures