This is the repository of my configuration files.
You can study them and use at your discretion, but do not forget that simple copying does not always lead to correct work.
Debian 10 “buster” & OpenBox
tint2 dmenu pcmanfm rxvt-unicode dunst gsimplecal audacious
- WM - openbox
- panel - tint2
- tint2 temperature display - lm-sensors
- tint2 font - sans & ubuntu mono
- terminal - rxvt-unicode
- text editor - geany
- cli text editor - nano
- cli fm - nnn
- watching video - vlc
- music - audacious
- File manager - pcmanfm
- application launch - dmenu
- notifications - dunst
- calendar - gsimplecal
- wallpaper manager - nitrogen
- system information - neofetch
- power management - xfce4-power-manager
- bar icons - fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont
- urxvt font - fonts-hack-ttf
- authentication-agent - policykit-1-gnome
- launcher - rofi
- image viewer - viewnior
- graphics editor - gimp
- sound - alsa-utils pulseaudio pavucontrol
- media codec - ffmpeg
- сompositor - compton
- graphics drivers - xorg xserver-xorg-video-intel
- display manager - lightdm
- web browser - firefox-esr
- screenshot tool - flameshot
- speedtest internet tool - speedtest-cli
- widget toolkit - gtk2
The GTK theme and icons used are is numix-theme & numix-icons, have been modified in oomox
Cursor Themes - volantes
Сhange themes with help lxappearance & lxappearance-obconf qt5-style-plugins & qt5ct
Wallpaper by GhostKraft (I created wallpaper in the gimp)
super+1 (2 3 4) | workspace switching # |
ctrl+alt+Right (Left) | workspace switching Right or Left |
super+shift+1 (2 3 4) | send active window to # workspace |
super+q | kill active vindow |
alt+grave | minimize active window to panel |
super+tab (mod+shift+tab) | switch focus between open windows in a circle |
super+up (Down, Right, Left) | Switch focus between open windows in a given direction |
ctl+shift+up (Down, Right, Left) | Window move in a given direction |
super+shift+up (Down, Right, Left) | *Change sticky window size * |
super+numpad | window size like AeroSnap with gaps 1 |
super+shift+numpad | window size like AeroSnap with gaps 2 |
super+f (numpad enter) | Toggle Maximize Full active window |
super+d | run aplications whith dmenu |
print screen | screenshot whith flameshot |
super+enter | run terminal |
super+f1 (f2 - f12) | run favorite aplications |
super+minus (equal) | volume control |
super+shift+r | restart openbox |
super+mouse midle button scroll | workspace switching |
First you need to install clear Debian 10 "buster" without any desktop environments, only with basic utilities. After installing and configuring sudo, you need to install the following packages and reboot the system:
sudo apt install lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings ffmpeg xorg xserver-xorg-video-intel openbox geany vlc audacious pcmanfm rofi dunst gsimplecal tint2 nitrogen neofetch xfce4-power-manager rxvt-unicode ttf-ubuntu-font-family fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont fonts-hack-ttf policykit-1-gnome dmenu viewnior gimp lxappearance lxappearance-obconf qt5-style-plugins qt5ct alsa-utils pulseaudio pavucontrol lm-sensors firefox-esr firefox-esr-l10n-ru speedtest-cli compton
sudo apt install gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-murrine
nnn - latest stable release you can download the nnn deb package and install it with gdebi ($ sudo apt install gdebi)