The provided Matlab package gives an accurate evaluation of the electromagnetic fields inside and outside a sphere, the bistatic and monostatic radar cross sections and also the extinction and scattered power efficiencies for an incident plane wave as a source. All aspects of the algorithms implemented in this package can be found easily in the relevant literature. Our goal is to provide a complete Mie Scattering package to help fellow scientists to validate their work. We note that the software is not free from bugs and it is not by any means optimal in programming sense, thus we are open to any suggestions and comments for improvment. Finally, please cite our github repository in case you use the software for your work, using the following bibtex entry.
@misc{MieScattering, author="{Giannakopoulos, Ilias}", title={Matlab software for the {M}ie Scattering of {PEC} and Homogeneous Spheres Irradiated by a Linearly Polarized Plane Wave}, url = {}, year={2018} }