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This is a curated list of juggling resources. There are many great juggling resources on the web but they can be hard to find since search engines don't rank them highly.
Contributions welcome. Add links through pull requests or create an issue to start a discussion.
- Juggling Edge - Juggling club listings, upcoming juggling festivals and forum.
- /r/Juggling - The largest reddit juggling community.
- Juggling Rock - The most active facebook juggling community.
- IJA - The International Juggler's Association runs an annual festival, has a forum and publishes juggling articles.
- How to Juggle - The wikiHow page for juggling.
- Passing Pedagogy - This site explains a methodology for teaching club passing.
- MAJ Pattern Book - A collection of passing patterns from the Madison Area Jugglers.
- Passing Pattern Anthology - A collection of passing patterns from Markus Oehme.
- passingdb.com - A collection of passing patterns from JiBe (Jean-Baptiste Hurteaux).
- Passing Zone - A collection of videos and explanations for a variety of passing patterns from the Passing Zone.
- Juggling Edge Passing Patterns - A collection of passing patterns from Mark Weston.
- Will's Passing Patterns - A collection of passing patterns from Will Murray.
- Berkeley Juggling Patterns - A collection of passing patterns from the Berkeley Juggling Club.
- Aerial Mirage Jugglers - A collection of passing patterns and explanations from the Aerial Mirage Jugglers.
- Aidan's Juggling Resources - A collection of patterns and explanations from Aiden Burns.
- Passing Wiki - A passing pattern wiki.
- Juggling Lab - Software used to generate and animate juggling patterns.
- Gunswap - A juggling animator and pattern library.
- Juggloid - A siteswap animator with a large number of patterns that have already been created.
- Compatible Siteswaps - A list of compatible siteswaps with filters.
- Two person Passing Pattern Spreadsheet - A spreadsheet of two person passing patterns siteswaps.
- Juggling Graphics - A siteswap graphic creator.
- Prechac This - A siteswap generator website.
- prech.ac - A url shortener for PrechacThis (source)
- Passist - A siteswap generator website.
- Siteswap Generator - A siteswap generator for Android.
- Siteswap Suggest - A siteswap animator with an autocomplete feature.
- PassingSync - An android app that speaks juggling instructions for passing partners to follow along with.
- Madeye - A variety of siteswap tools.
- Pattern Generator - A pattern generator website.
- JoePass! - Software used to animate juggling patterns.
- JuggleHacker - A generator for hijack passing patterns.
- Juggling TV - A juggling specific video site.
- Manipeo - A user submitted juggling video site.
- Siteswap Anagrams - A puzzle game for calculating siteswap anagrams.
- Juggling Records - A tracker for current juggling world records.
- Fight Night Combat - A tracker for juggling combat tournaments and standings.
- Juggling by Numbers - Numberphile - An explanation video for siteswap.
- Siteswap Bot - The source code for the reddit siteswap bot.
- Library of Juggling - A compilation of juggling tricks with explanations.
- Skilldex - An online community to learn, share, and organize juggling skills.
- Bravo Juggling - Sells a variety of juggling props (Hungary).
- Brontosaurus Balls - Specializes in russian juggling balls (United States).
- Cathedral Juggling - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Dube - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Firetoys - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Flairco - Sells flair bartending supplies (United States).
- Flames 'N Games - Sells a variety of juggling props (United Kingdom).
- Flowtoys - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Flying Clipper - Sells footbags and juggling balls (United States).
- Gballz - Specializes in juggling balls (United States).
- Henrys- Sells a variety of juggling equipment (Germany).
- Higgins Brothers - Sells a variety of juggling props (Canada).
- Master Ongs Prop Shop - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Odd Balls - Sells a variety of juggling props (United Kingdom).
- Pass the Props - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Play Juggling - Sells a variety of juggling props (Italy).
- Renegade Juggling - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Sport Juggling Company - Specializes in juggling balls (United States).
- Todd Smith - Sells a variety of juggling props (United States).
- Three Finger Juggling - Specializes in dangerous juggling props (United States).