- Create Google Cloud project
- Enable billing in your account to be able to use most Google Cloud service
- Enable APIS for the project (Cloud Functions API, Cloud Pub/Sub API, Google Cloud Storage JSON API, Cloud Translation API and Cloud Vision API)
- Install the gcloud SDK
- Initialize gcloud:
gcloud init
- Update gcloud and install beta components:
gcloud components update && gcloud components install beta
- Create an input and output bucket:
gsutil mb gs://*YOUR_BUCKET_NAME*
- Configure the app in config.json
- Deploy image processing function:
gcloud functions deploy ocr-extract --runtime nodejs8 --trigger-bucket *YOUR_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME* --entry-point processImage
- Deploy text translation function:
gcloud functions deploy ocr-translate --runtime nodejs8 --trigger-topic *YOUR_TRANSLATE_TOPIC_NAME* --entry-point translateText
- Deploy save results function:
gcloud functions deploy ocr-save --runtime nodejs8 --trigger-topic *YOUR_RESULT_TOPIC_NAME* --entry-point saveResult
- Test the service via cmd:
- Get last logs:
gcloud functions logs read --limit 100
npm test