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Semantic Segmentation ROS

This repository contains a ROS package designed for semantic segmentation. Demo Animation


The following instructions were tested with python3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04.

Clone the repository into the src folder of a catkin workspace.

git clone

Create and activate a new virtual environment.

cd /path/to/semantic_segmentation_ros
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the Python dependencies within the activated virtual environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and source the catkin workspace,

catkin build semantic_segmentation_ros
source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Network Training

To train the network on a custom dataset, follow these steps:

  • Place your training images in the assets/data/train/img directory and the JSON files created with LabelMe in the assets/data/train/ann directory. Place your validation images in the assets/data/val/img directory and the JSON files created with LabelMe in the assets/data/val/ann directory.
    Ensure that each image has a corresponding JSON file with a matching name.
  • Configure the config/train.json file according to your training preferences and dataset specifications.
python3 scripts/ [--config]

Training and validation metrics are logged to TensorBoard and can be accessed with

tensorboard --logdir=log/training

RealSense Inference

This package contains an example of realtime semantic segmentation with Intel Realsense.
Configure the config/realsense.yaml file to suit your environment.

roslaunch semantic_segmentation_ros realsense_semantic_segmentation.launch

Subscribed Topics

  • /camera/color/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
    • The raw image stream from a camera, used as input for real-time semantic segmentation.

Published Topics

  • /segmentation_mask (sensor_msgs/Image)

    • This topic outputs semantic predictions as a mono8 image, indicating semantic classes at each pixel.
  • /segmentation_image (sensor_msgs/Image)

    • This topic outputs a colored RGB version of the semantic predictions for visualization purposes, as a bgr8 image.

ROS Services

  • /get_segmentation_mask (semantic_segmentation_ros/GetSegmentationMask)

    • This service allows for on-demand retrieval of the latest semantic segmentation mask. When called, it returns a sensor_msgs/Image containing the semantic mask as a mono8 image, where each pixel's intensity corresponds to a class index.

    Service Details:

    • Request: Empty
    • Response: sensor_msgs/Image (the segmentation mask as mono8)


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