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Merge pull request #36 from erikmannerfelt/local_hypsometric
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Local hypsometric interpolation
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erikmannerfelt authored Mar 19, 2021
2 parents 9282ab2 + 4f1339e commit a5c7960
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Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 5 deletions.
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import geoutils as gu
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import xdem


class TestLocalHypsometric:
"""Test cases for the local hypsometric method."""

# Load example data.
dem_2009 = gu.georaster.Raster(xdem.examples.FILEPATHS["longyearbyen_ref_dem"])
dem_1990 = gu.georaster.Raster(xdem.examples.FILEPATHS["longyearbyen_tba_dem"]).reproject(dem_2009)
outlines = gu.geovector.Vector(xdem.examples.FILEPATHS["longyearbyen_glacier_outlines"])
# Filter to only look at the Scott Turnerbreen glacier
outlines.ds = outlines.ds.loc[outlines.ds["NAME"] == "Scott Turnerbreen"]
# Create a mask where glacier areas are True
mask = outlines.create_mask(dem_2009) == 255

def test_bin_ddem(self):
"""Test dDEM binning."""
ddem = -

ddem_bins = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(

ddem_bins_masked = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(, mask=~self.mask),, mask=~self.mask)

ddem_stds = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(
assert ddem_stds["value"].mean() < 50
assert np.abs(np.mean(ddem_bins["value"] - ddem_bins_masked["value"])) < 0.01

def test_interpolate_ddem_bins(self) -> pd.Series:
"""Test dDEM bin interpolation."""
ddem = -

ddem_bins = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(ddem.squeeze()[self.mask],[self.mask])

# Simulate a missing bin
ddem_bins.iloc[3, :] = np.nan

# Interpolate the bins and exclude bins with low pixel counts from the interpolation.
interpolated_bins = xdem.volume.interpolate_hypsometric_bins(ddem_bins, count_threshold=200)

assert abs(np.mean(interpolated_bins)) < 40
assert abs(np.mean(interpolated_bins)) > 0
assert not np.any(np.isnan(interpolated_bins))
return interpolated_bins

def test_area_calculation(self):
"""Test the area calculation function."""
ddem_bins = self.test_interpolate_ddem_bins()

# Test the area calculation with normal parameters.
bin_area = xdem.volume.calculate_hypsometry_area(

# Test area calculation with differing pixel x/y resolution.
# Also test that ddem_bins can be a DataFrame (as long as the column name 'value' exists) = "value"
pixel_size=(self.dem_2009.res[0], self.dem_2009.res[0] + 1)

# Add some nans to the reference DEM
data_with_nans =[self.mask]
data_with_nans[[2, 5]] = np.nan

# Make sure that the above results in the correct error.
except AssertionError as exception:
if "DEM has NaNs" not in str(exception):
raise exception

# Try to pass an incorrect timeframe= parameter
except ValueError as exception:
if "Argument 'timeframe='blergh'' is invalid" not in str(exception):
raise exception

# Mess up the dDEM bins and see if it gives the correct error
ddem_bins.iloc[3] = np.nan
except AssertionError as exception:
if "cannot contain NaNs" not in str(exception):
raise exception

# The area of Scott Turnerbreen was around 3.4 km² in 1990, so this should be close to that number.
assert 2e6 < bin_area.sum() < 5e6

def test_ddem_bin_methods(self):
"""Test different dDEM binning methods."""
ddem = -

# equal height is already tested in test_bin_ddem

# Make a fixed amount of bins
equal_count_bins = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(
assert equal_count_bins.shape[0] == 50

# Make 50 bins with approximately the same area (pixel count)
quantile_bins = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(

assert quantile_bins.shape[0] == 50
# Make sure that the pixel count variation is low.
assert quantile_bins["count"].std() < 1

# Try to feed the previous bins as "custom" bins to the function.
custom_bins = xdem.volume.hypsometric_binning(
bins=np.r_[quantile_bins.index.left[0], quantile_bins.index.right],

assert custom_bins.shape[0] == quantile_bins.shape[0]
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions xdem/
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@@ -1,5 +1 @@
from . import coreg
from . import spatial_tools
from . import dem
from . import examples
from . import spstats
from . import coreg, dem, examples, spatial_tools, volume, spstats
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions xdem/
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@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
"""Functions to calculate changes in volume (aimed for glaciers)."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.interpolate

def hypsometric_binning(ddem: np.ndarray, ref_dem: np.ndarray, bins: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 50.0,
kind: str = "fixed", aggregation_function: Callable = np.median) -> pd.DataFrame:
Separate the dDEM in discrete elevation bins.
It is assumed that the dDEM is calculated as 'ref_dem - dem' (not 'dem - ref_dem').
:param ddem: The dDEM as a 2D or 1D array.
:param ref_dem: The reference DEM as a 2D or 1D array.
:param bins: The bin size, count, or array, depending on the binning method ('kind').
:param kind: The kind of binning to do. Choices: ['fixed', 'count', 'quantile', 'custom'].
:param aggregation_function: The function to aggregate the elevation values within a bin. Defaults to the median.
:returns: A Pandas DataFrame with elevation bins and dDEM statistics.
assert ddem.shape == ref_dem.shape

# Remove all nans, and flatten the inputs.
nan_mask = np.logical_or(
np.isnan(ddem) if not isinstance(ddem, else ddem.mask,
np.isnan(ref_dem) if not isinstance(ref_dem, else ref_dem.mask
# Extract only the valid values and (if relevant) convert from masked_array to array
ddem = np.array(ddem[~nan_mask])
ref_dem = np.array(ref_dem[~nan_mask])

# If the bin size should be seen as a percentage.
if kind == "fixed":
zbins = np.arange(ref_dem.min(), ref_dem.max() + bins, step=bins)
elif kind == "count":
# Make bins between mean_dem.min() and a little bit above mean_dem.max().
# The bin count has to be bins + 1 because zbins[0] will be a "below min value" bin, which will be irrelevant.
zbins = np.linspace(ref_dem.min(), ref_dem.max() + 1e-6 / bins, num=int(bins + 1))
elif kind == "quantile":
# Make the percentile steps. The bins + 1 is explained above.
steps = np.linspace(0, 100, num=int(bins) + 1)
zbins = np.fromiter(
(np.percentile(ref_dem, step) for step in steps),
# The uppermost bin needs to be a tiny amount larger than the highest value to include it.
zbins[-1] += 1e-6
elif kind == "custom":
zbins = bins
raise ValueError(f"Invalid bin kind: {kind}. Choices: ['fixed', 'count', 'quantile', 'custom']")

# Generate bins and get bin indices from the mean DEM
indices = np.digitize(ref_dem, bins=zbins)

# Calculate statistics for each bin.
# If no values exist, all stats should be nans (except count with should be 0)
# medians, means, stds, nmads = (np.zeros(shape=bins.shape[0] - 1, dtype=ddem.dtype) * np.nan, ) * 4
values = np.zeros(shape=zbins.shape[0] - 1, dtype=ddem.dtype) * np.nan
counts = np.zeros_like(values, dtype=int)
for i in np.arange(indices.min(), indices.max() + 1):
values_in_bin = ddem[indices == i]
# Skip if no values are in the bin.
if values_in_bin.shape[0] == 0:

values[i - 1] = aggregation_function(values_in_bin)
# medians[i - 1] = np.median(values_in_bin)
# means[i - 1] = np.mean(values_in_bin)
# stds[i - 1] = np.std(values_in_bin)
counts[i - 1] = values_in_bin.shape[0]
# nmads[i - 1] = xdem.spatial_tools.nmad(values_in_bin)

# Collect the results in a dataframe
output = pd.DataFrame(
values, counts
columns=["value", "count"]

return output

def interpolate_hypsometric_bins(hypsometric_bins: pd.DataFrame, value_column="value", method="polynomial", order=3,
count_threshold: Optional[int] = None) -> pd.Series:
Interpolate hypsometric bins using any valid Pandas interpolation technique.
NOTE: It will not extrapolate!
:param hypsometric_bins: Bins where nans will be interpolated.
:param value_column: The name of the column in 'hypsometric_bins' to use as values.
:param method: Any valid Pandas interpolation technique (e.g. 'linear', 'polynomial', 'ffill', 'bfill').
:param order: The polynomial order to use. Only used if method='polynomial'.
:param count_threshold: Optional. A pixel count threshold to exclude during the curve fit (requires a 'count' column).
:returns: Bins interpolated with the chosen interpolation method.
bins = hypsometric_bins.copy()
bins.index = bins.index.mid

if count_threshold is not None:
assert "count" in hypsometric_bins.columns, f"'count' not a column in the dataframe"
bins_under_threshold = bins["count"] < count_threshold
bins.loc[bins_under_threshold, value_column] = np.nan

interpolated_values = bins[value_column].interpolate(method=method, order=order, limit_direction="both")

if count_threshold is not None:
interpolated_values.loc[bins_under_threshold] = hypsometric_bins.loc[bins_under_threshold.values, value_column]
interpolated_values.index = hypsometric_bins.index

return interpolated_values

def calculate_hypsometry_area(ddem_bins: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], ref_dem: np.ndarray,
pixel_size: Union[float, tuple[float, float]],
timeframe: str = "reference") -> pd.Series:
Calculate the associated representative area of the given dDEM bins.
By default, the area bins will be representative of the mean timing between the reference and nonreference DEM:
elevations = ref_dem - (h_vs_dh_funcion(ref_dem) / 2)
This can be changed to either "reference":
elevations = ref_dem
Or "nonreference":
elevations = ref_dem - h_vs_dh_function(ref_dem)
:param ddem_bins: A Series or DataFrame of dDEM values. If a DataFrame is given, the column 'value' will be used.
:param ref_dem: The reference DEM. This should not have any NaNs.
:param pixel_size: The xy or (x, y) size of the reference DEM pixels in georeferenced coordinates.
:param timeframe: The time at which the area bins are representative. Choices: "reference", "nonreference", "mean"
:returns: The representative area within the given dDEM bins.
assert not np.any(np.isnan(ref_dem)), "The given reference DEM has NaNs. No NaNs are allowed to calculate area!"

if timeframe not in ["reference", "nonreference", "mean"]:
raise ValueError(f"Argument '{timeframe=}' is invalid. Choices: ['reference', 'nonreference', 'mean']")

if isinstance(ddem_bins, pd.DataFrame):
ddem_bins = ddem_bins["value"]
assert not np.any(np.isnan(ddem_bins.values)), "The dDEM bins cannot contain NaNs. Remove or fill them first."
# Generate a continuous elevation vs. dDEM function
ddem_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ddem_bins.index.mid, ddem_bins.values,
kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate")
# Generate average elevations by subtracting half of the dDEM's values to the reference DEM
if timeframe == "mean":
elevations = ref_dem - (ddem_func( / 2)
elif timeframe == "reference":
elevations = ref_dem
elif timeframe == "nonreference":
elevations = ref_dem - ddem_func(

# Extract the bins from the dDEM series and compute the frequency of points in the bins.
bins = np.r_[[ddem_bins.index.left[0]], ddem_bins.index.right]
bin_counts = np.histogram(elevations, bins=bins)[0]

# Multiply the bin counts with the pixel area to get the full area.
bin_area = bin_counts * (pixel_size ** 2 if not isinstance(pixel_size, tuple) else pixel_size[0] * pixel_size[1])

# Put this in a series which will be returned.
output = pd.Series(index=ddem_bins.index, data=bin_area)

return output

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