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Corewar is a programming game involving between 2 and 4 players.

  • Each player writes an assembly program that is compiled to bytecode referred to as a champion
  • Champions compete in a virtual arena until they are all dead
  • The last player reported alive by a champion wins

Playable demo


The arena

Matches are played by a Virtual Machine featuring:

  • A circular memory buffer of 4096 bytes
  • A CPU with:
    • An instruction set of 16 operations
    • 16 32bit registers labelled from r1 to r16
    • a zero flag (zf) whose state depends on the result of some instructions
  • A round-robin process scheduler

Each process has:

  • A program counter (pc) that moves around in memory and point to specific memory locations
  • Its own set of register values
  • Its own zf value

Match setup

Each player is assigned a unique 32bit identifier.
Champions are loaded in memory at equally spaced offsets.
Each champion is assigned a starting process which has:

  • Its pc set to the location of the champion's first byte
  • Its zf set to 0
  • Its r1 register set to its player's identifier
  • All of its other registers set to 0


The game is turn-based.
Turns are called cycles and correspond to a pass of the process scheduler.
Every cycle, the scheduler gives a fixed amount of CPU time to each process sequentially, in the reverse order that they were spawned.

Running processes can be in either one of two states:

  • Idle: Waiting to decode an instruction
  • Executing an instruction: Waiting for a sufficient amount of CPU time to finish its execution

When an Idle process is given a cycle worth of CPU time, it attempts to decode the byte pointed by its pc:

  • If the byte is a valid instruction opcode, it starts Executing it
  • Otherwise it stays Idle and the pc is moved to the next byte in memory

When an Executing process is given its last required cycle worth of CPU time, it attempts to decode the rest of the instruction pointed by its pc:

  • If the instruction is valid, it is executed and the pc is incremented by the decoded size
  • Otherwise it goes back to an Idle state and the pc is moved to the next byte in memory

Win condition

The VM periodically performs a live-check.
The number of cycles before a live-check is determined by a check interval value which is initialized to 1536.
During a live-check:

  • Every process that didn't execute at least one live instruction since the last live-check is killed
  • The check interval is decreased by 50 if either:
    • The total number of lives among all the processes is ≥ 21
    • 10 consecutive live-checks had a number of lives < 21

The match ends when all processes are killed.
The winner is the last player who has been reported alive.

⚠ Processes can report any player to be alive, not exclusively their champion's player. See the live instruction for more information.

Instruction set

The VM supports 16 instructions.
Instructions take between 1 and 3 parameters.
Parameters can be one of three types:

  • Register: one of the 16 registers available
  • Direct: an immediate numeric value
  • Indirect: a pointer offset to a location in memory. the offset is applied to the executing process' pc and the result is used to address a 32bit value in memory.

⚠ For most instructions that perform addressing, the reach is limited, in which case the pc offset is wrapped within a (-512, 512) ring using a modulo operation. The only three instructions that have unlimited reach are referred to as long instructions.

Every instruction has an opcode and executes in a certain number of cycles.
Some instructions can take different types of parameters and therefore need an additional parameter code byte (pcb) when encoded (more details in the encoding section).
Some instructions have 16bit Direct values instead of 32bit.

The table below summarizes all those characterics for every instruction:

mnemonic opcode cycles ⏱ param 1 param 2 param 3 pcb Direct size
live 1 10 D 32
ld 2 5 DI R 32
st 3 5 R RI 32
add 4 10 R R R 32
sub 5 10 R R R 32
and 6 6 RDI RDI R 32
or 7 6 RDI RDI R 32
xor 8 6 RDI RDI R 32
zjmp 9 20 D 16
ldi 10 25 RDI RD R 16
sti 11 25 R RDI RD 16
fork 12 800 D 16
lld 13 10 DI R 32
lldi 14 50 RDI RD R 16
lfork 15 1000 D 16
aff 16 2 R 32

📝 R = Register D = Direct I = Indirect

Some instructions can affect the zero flag zf by either reading or computing a value. If the value is zero, zf is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.

Detailed behaviors for every instruction:

live id | ⏱10

Reports this process and the player #id as being alive.

ld src, dst | ⏱5

Loads src in the register dst. src's value affects zf.

st src, dst | ⏱5

Stores src's register value in dst (either a register or a memory location).

add lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱10

Computes lhs + rhs and stores the result in the register dst. The result affects zf.

sub lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱10

Computes lhs - rhs and stores the result in the register dst. The result affects zf.

and lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱6

Computes lhs & rhs and stores the result in the register dst. The result affects zf.

or lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱6

Computes lhs | rhs and stores the result in the register dst. The result affects zf.

xor lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱6

Computes lhs ^ rhs and stores the result in the register dst. The result affects zf.

zjmp offset | ⏱20

Moves the process' pc by offset only if the process' zf is set to 1.

ldi lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱25

Computes lhs + rhs and uses the result as an offset to address memory and load a 32bit value into the register dst.

sti src, lhs, rhs | ⏱25

Computes lhs + rhs and uses the result as an offset to address memory and store the value of the register src at that memory location.

fork offset | ⏱800

Forks this process. This effectively creates a new process that inherits the current process' registers and zf. The spawned process has its pc set to his parent's pc offseted by offset.

lld src, dst | ⏱10

The long version of ld.

lldi lhs, rhs, dst | ⏱50

The long version of ldi. Neither the parameter values nor the computed address will have their reach limited. Contrary to ldi, the value loaded from memory affects zf.

lfork offset | ⏱1000

The long version of fork

aff chr | ⏱2 (not yet implemented, subject to change)

Makes this process' champion talk by displaying chr's value. This instruction is useful if you want to ridicule your opponents.

Writing champions

Champions consist of bytecode generated from compiling programs written in the VM's assembly language.

The assembly language

A champion's program consist of:

  • A name
  • A description
  • A sequence of instructions

The champion's name and description are set using the .name and .comment directives respectively.
Instructions and directives are each placed on a single line, empty lines are allowed, token spacing works with any number of whitespaces and you can start line comments by using the # character
To create a champion called "John Cena", you could for instance start your program by writing:

.name    "John Cena"          # Champion's name
.comment "And his name is..." # Champion's description

Instructions are composed of a mnemonic followed by comma (,) separated parameters

  • Register parameters are valid register numbers prefixed by a r character. (e.g: r12)
  • Direct parameters are numbers (or labels, see below) prefixed by a % character. (e.g. %1337)
  • Indirect parameters are standalone numbers (or labels, see below). (e.g. 42)

An instruction that xors the memory value at offset 42 with the number 1337 and stored it in the 12th register could be written:

xor  42, %1337, r12    # r12 = mem[pc+42] ^ 1337

Instructions can be optionally preceded by labels.
Labels are references to locations in your code. They can be used in parameters to help with offset computation and code readability.
A label is declared as a colon (:) suffixed alphanumeric identifier, and referenced with its identifier prefixed by a colon.
An infinite live loop could look like:

loop: live %1         # Stay alive
      and  r1, %0, r1 # Set zf = 1 to make sure the next zjmp takes effect
      zjmp %:loop     # Jump back to the start of the loop

When compiling this program, %:loop is treated as %-13 (the live and the and instructions are respectively 5 and 8 bytes long when encoded here)

Bytecode generation

Compiled champions are made of two parts:

  • a header containing the champion's name and description.
  • a code section containing each encoded instruction, in sequence.

Only the code section is loaded into the arena as the header is just there to validate champions and provide metadata.

⚠ the code section cannot exceed 682 bytes in size.
📝 the VM's byte order is big endian

Header content

Headers contain 4 fields:

  • a 32bit magic number with the value 0x00EA_83F3
  • an array of 128 + 1 bytes containing the 0-right-padded champion's name
  • a 32bit number with the size of the code section as its value
  • an array of 2048 + 1 btes containing the 0-right-padded champion's description

The header is packed and its total size is always 2186 bytes

Code section

The code section is a packed array of bytes containing every encoded instruction.
You have the possibility to inject raw bytes between instructions by using the .code directive followed by any number of bytes:

.code 0x42 0x13 0x37

Instructions are encoded as a packed sequence of the following elements:

  • opcode on 1 byte
  • pcb on 1 byte (only if the instruction requires a parameter code point)
  • parameters on a number of bytes depending on their types:
    • Registers on 1 byte, the value being the register number
    • Direct values on either 2 or 4 bytes depending on the instruction (see the instruction table in the earlier chapters)
    • Indirect values on 2 bytes

the pcb of an instruction is computed as the 0-right-padded bit concatenation of each parameter type's code point value:

  • 1 for registers
  • 2 for directs
  • 3 for indirects

For example:

xor     42,    %1337,    r12
#    indirect  direct  register
#       3        2        1
#      0b11     0b10     0b01
#      pcb = 0b11100100
#         == 0xE4 == 0d228

st      r1,      -5
#    register  indirect
#       1         3
#      0b01      0b11
#      pcb = 0b01110000
#         == 0x70 == 0d112

More examples of full instruction encoding:

xor  42, %1337, r12
# opcode = 0x08 (see table)
# pcb = 0xE4 (see above)
# param1 = 0x00 0x2A (indirect 42 on 2 bytes)
# param2 = 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x39 (direct 1337 on 4 bytes)
# param3 = 0x0C (register 12 on 1 byte)
# Full instruction = 0x08 0xE4 0x00 0x2A 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x39 0x0C (9 bytes)

live  %8
# opcode = 0x01 (see table)
# pcb = ø (see table)
# param1 = 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 (direct 8 on 4 bytes)
# Full instruction = 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 (5 bytes)

sti  r6, 22, %70
# opcode = 0x0B
# pcb = 0x78 (try to compute it yourself 🙂)
# param1 = 0x06
# param2 = 0x00 0x16
# param3 = 0x00 0x46 (sti has 16bit directs)
# Full instruction = 0x0B 0x78 0x06 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x46 (7 bytes)

# Full program = 0x08 0xE4 0x00 0x2A 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x39 0x0C 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 0x0B 0x78 0x06 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x46 (21 bytes)

Try to load the champion called zork and see if you understand its bytecode 🙂


A custom implementation of the Core War programming game






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