This theme is for Ghost, a blogging platform.
I focus on things below:
- Reader first: clear readability.
- A responsive theme along with less CSS code and simple HTML construction.
- Less animation, no font or image icon.
Live theme is use my blog:
- Responsive
- Error Page(ex: 404, 500)
- Authors, Tags, Pages
- Navigation
- Code highlighting via highlightjs
- Line numbers support (Optional)
- Google Analytics (Optional)
- Disqus(Optional)
Chose one option below:
Download as zip and put the folder
Use git: clone this repository under 'ghost/content/themes'
DigitalOcean + Ghost: How To Change Themes and Adjust Settings in Ghost
After install the theme, please restart server then you can change theme on settings page.
// to enable Google Analytics
var ga_id = 'YOUR UA ID HERE';
// to enable Disqus
var disqus_shortname = 'YOUR DISQUS SHORT NAME HERE'
// to enable line number support
You should set your ghost on your develop machine, Please follow official instruction.
Then clone this repository under this directory: ghost/content/themes/
Fire up local server and change your theme to text
Open sourced under the MIT license.