This bot is designed to be run as a free Heroku project. As with any good 12 Factor App, you will need to set a few environment variables. For example:
heroku config:set --app my-new-heroku-app \
HIPCHAT_API_TOKEN=8w1cxvrvxitgvkoaq9clfqqzgy7n7g \
HIPCHAT_ROOM=Engineering,QA,Engineering \
TRELLO_OAUTH_PUBLIC_KEY=xre3rgsdbbvvjsy74axyqmtddgdnrr8e \
TRELLO_TOKEN=pdwnbruojwrdvfxxuyu9vtzaea6vfojf9bfa6jcmutkdfomwlk2izmxwnvdcwgkv \
It runs as a worker process with no exposure to the web.
heroku ps:scale web=0 --app my-new-heroku-app
heroku ps:scale worker=1 --app my-new-heroku-app
This project isn't actively in use by the original authors. Anyone interested in adopting it should contact @jelder.
- Fork it.
- Create a branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Open a Pull Request