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Middleman Image Uploader Tag

middleman-image-uploader-tag is an extension for the Middleman static site generator that adds special tag helpers with functionality of uploading images into a external services as CDN's and remote storages.

The Reason

If you start a new blog generated by the Middleman and hosted at the GitHub static pages, soon you become realize that pushing big images into the repository has a few drawbacks:

  • the speed of deploy through the git is very low
  • it pollutes your repository with huge files (GitHub is definitely not Flckr)
  • it caches for 10 minutes only because of GitHub CDNs Cache-Control headers. So your readers would not be happy to redownload huge backgrounds or photos each time they visit your site..
  • ...


During development phase nothing is changed. To prevent redundancy uploading into remote hosting (while you are looking for different pictures, changing their sizes and so on), local images used as ussually.

But at the build time all images would be uploaded into remote hosting, and their relative paths replaced for appropriate absolute urls. That gives you a possibility to control caching time of images, as well as other options that your CDN may provides you, separately.

Important Note

At the moment only the Cloudinary CDN is supported. But it is easy to add any new one.


Nothing special:

gem install middleman-image-uploader-tag

Or just add the following line into your Gemfile:

gem 'middleman-image-uploader-tag'

and after run bundle install.

Also you can install the latest code directly from repository with:

gem 'middleman-image-uploader-tag', git: ''


In you config.rb:

Activate extension, providing credentials for remote provider:

activate :image_uploader_tag do |e|
  e.remote_images_dir = 'remote_images'
  e.provider = :cloudinary
  e.provider_config = {
    cloud_name: ENV['CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME'],
    api_key: ENV['CLOUDINARY_API_KEY'],
    api_secret: ENV['CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET'],
    enhance_image_tag: false,
    static_image_support: true,
    secure: true

Add ignore option to prevent remote images uploading during deploy:

ignore '/images/remote_images/*'

Also you could add a line in your .gitignore file, to prevent uploading images during development too:


Note: the remote_images_dir sets the only folder images would remote uploaded.

It is optional and by default has the value 'remote_images'. You can change it but be sure to place it within the images directory of the Middleman.


Now in your views you can use a few new helpers:

Example for .slim or .haml templates

= remote_image_tag 'test.png', alt: 'hello'

= remote_image_tag 'backgrounds/test.png', alt: 'hello'

If you want to use it in your .md templates for posts content, you should rename them, adding additional proccessing level.

For example you had an post source/articles/2015-05-21-welcome.html.markdown then you need to rename it to source/articles/2015-05-21-welcome.html.markdown.erb (note .erb at the end).

After you can use a bit different helper:

![MYIMAGE](<%= remote_image_tag_link 'test.png' %>)

or as simple as

<%= remote_image_tag 'test.png' %>

The difference between remote_image_tag and remote_image_tag_link is that the first wraps link into <img> tag, but the other just produces the raw link as

It is worth to notice, that both remote_image_tag and remote_image_tag_link support additional option for secure image delivering in case you use Cloudinary CDN (https, by default it is disabled). For example:

<%= remote_image_tag_link 'test.png' %>
# => ''
<%= remote_image_tag_link 'test.png', true %>
# => 'httpS://'

Any feedback or issue report appreciated!


Middleman image tag helper with an automatic upload to external services






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