some bash scripts i made
a script that can control a roku player via wifi.
you may need to enable contol via wifi at:
Home > Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Control by moble apps > Network access
on first run it will ask you if you want to automaticaly find the IP of your roku or input the IP.
there are more commands than displayed; read the code for roku_input to find them a script to copy your youtube subscriptions to thirdtube. how to use:
- go to
- click "Deselect all" and scroll down to "YouTube and YouTube Music"
- click the checkbox next to "YouTube and YouTube Music" then "Next step"
- choose the desired settings (this won't effect the process) then click "Create Export"
- wait.
- once you have the data, unzip the .zip or .tgz file
- copy Takeout/Youtube and Youtube Music/subscriptions/subscriptions.csv to the same folder as the script
- run the script
- copy subscription.json to #please hold while i fix the script.