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Gold Features

lerna Maintainability

This project contains all base features. For a user-friendly view of all Gold Features check out the catalog in our documentation:

Use A Feature

The name of the feature is always using kebab-case. So for RevealTrigger the corresponding name would be feature-reveal-trigger.

include the @goldinteractive/src/style in your .scss file.

  • Sackmesser make feature-install-sample
  • Plain Old Javascript yarn add @goldinteractive/feature-sample (Make sure to copy the assets folder into your project)


Setup your machine

Login to npm using npm adduser (Make sure to have access rights to npm registry @goldinteractive organization).

Run yarn lerna:exec yarn install --frozen-lockfile to install all dependencies of all projects.

Run yarn install --frozen-lockfile to install dependencies for gold-features maintentance.

Now you are ready to start working on Gold Features.

How to do basic feature maintenance

Start Docs Watch Mode

yarn docs:watch -- watches for project changes and updates the docs.

The port is fixed because cypress.json does require the baseUrl.

Start Integration Tests

yarn test:interactive - launches Cypress Test Runner

Do your changes and check them using the docs page and Cypress.

Commit changes

Make sure to run yarn test before commiting to ensure no tests were broken.

If you changed something feature specific use the Feature Name as a prefix for your commit.

Commit Template:

RevealTrigger: Did something

More detailed comment about commit

Publish changes

If you only changed the docs there is no need to publish a new feature version.

Run yarn lerna:updated to make sure you did not change anything by accident. This will check whether a new package is required.

Make sure that only your changed project pops up.

Feature Changes

Then using yarn lerna:publish you can publish the changed packages to the npm registry.

Do a prerelease before publishing a new version! Make sure to push the tags with git push --tags

When a prerelease has been properly tested, you can publish the package using:

yarn lerna publish --force-publish @goldinteractive/feature-sample

This command does not perform a rebuild! Therefore it must only be used when a prerelease has been published previously.

Docs Changes

After updating the docs simply publish them using the yarn docs:publish command.

List of specific Lerna Commands

We use lerna to orchestrate the build and publish process.

yarn lerna:build build all projects

yarn lerna:updated lists all packages which must be published. Note that updated fails if there is no package which needs to be updated. Lerna will not pick up unchanged packages.

yarn lerna:publish build all packages, then checks for changed packages (comparing to last tag). Prompts for each package before release (Note that it will only commit package.json. Therefore all other changes must be commited beforehand)

yarn lerna:exec command execute a command in all packages. To remove a package, run: yarn lerna:exec yarn remove some-dependency. This is useful in order to update the js-base peer-dependency across all packages. (yarn lerna:exec yarn add @goldinteractive/js-base@latest --tilde --peer)

For testing lerna there is a demo feature. Note that it must be unpublished manually after performing tests!

How to create a new Gold Feature

There is a bootstrap script in place to ease the creation of new features.

yarn create:feature --name sample will create a new feature and set up the base file structure (replace sample with the feature name, e.g. for feature-modal use modal).

Each feature manages its own local dependencies, make sure to install them in the proper scope (dev !== peer).

Refer to the maintenance guide to start working on the feature.

How does the documentation work?

The docs are generated using Storybook (

Generate it using yarn docs in the root directory.

Technical notices

Due to the storybook webpack configuration currently JSON files can't be inline loaded in feature code.