Welcome to the GomuGomuu organization! We are a collaborative community dedicated to building exciting projects with a focus on One Piece and using various technologies.
- A microservice built with Python, BeautifulSoup4, Docker, Pytesseract-OCR, Redis, and Selenium, designed to monitor and scrape OPTCG exchange rates from ALOP.
- An API backend project leveraging Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Celery, Docker, Flower, and Redis. This project aims to provide a robust backend for various front-end applications.
- A Flask web application that recognizes One Piece card game cards from images using NLP algorithms and Google's Gemini API.
- A React Native application built with Expo and TypeScript, focusing on providing a user-friendly interface for recognizing One Piece card game cards from images.
We have a passionate and skilled team contributing to these projects. View all members.
We encourage contributions from everyone! Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or engage in discussions.
Explore more about our projects and organization on our GitHub page.