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Apache Flink Google BigQuery Connector (Under Development)

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The connector supports streaming data from Google BigQuery tables to Apache Flink, and writing results back to BigQuery tables. This is supported via Flink’s Datastream API as well as Flink's Table API and SQL to communicate with BigQuery.

Public Preview

This connector is a work in progress, and here we’re providing a preview of its capabilities. It currently offers the feature to read data from a BigQuery table into a Flink application, and the ability to write results of Flink jobs to BigQuery tables with at-least-once write consistency. Exactly-once consistency will be offered soon. Users should note this is an experimental instrument, and we guarantee no SLOs at this stage.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is an open source framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. Learn more about Flink here.

BigQuery Storage APIs

Write API

The Storage write API is a high-performance data-ingestion API for BigQuery.

Stream-level transactions

Write data to a stream and commit the data as a single transaction. If the commit operation fails, safely retry the operation. Multiple workers can create their own streams to process data independently.

Efficient protocol

The Storage Write API uses gRPC streaming rather than REST over HTTP. The Storage Write API also supports binary formats in the form of protocol buffers, which are a more efficient wire format than JSON. Write requests are asynchronous with guaranteed ordering.

Exactly-once delivery semantics

The Storage Write API supports exactly-once semantics through the use of stream offsets. This will be used when offering an exactly-once Sink for BigQuery.

Read API

The Storage read API streams data in parallel directly from BigQuery via gRPC without using Google Cloud Storage as an intermediary.

Following are some benefits of using the Storage API:

Direct Streaming

It does not leave any temporary files in Google Cloud Storage. Rows are read directly from BigQuery servers using the Avro wire format.


The API allows column and predicate filtering to only read the data you are interested in.

Column Filtering

Since BigQuery is backed by a columnar datastore, it can efficiently stream data without reading all columns.

Predicate Filtering

The Storage API supports arbitrary pushdown of predicate filters.

Dynamic Sharding

The API rebalances records between readers until they all complete.


Enable the BigQuery Storage API

Follow these instructions. For write APIs, ensure following pemissions are granted. For read APIs, ensure following permissions are granted.


  • Unix-like environment (we use Linux, Mac OS X)
  • Git
  • Maven (we recommend version 3.8.6)
  • Java 8

Downloading the Connector

There are two ways to access the connector.

Maven Central

The connector is available on the Maven Central repository.

Flink version Connector Artifact Key Features
Flink 1.17.x At-least Once Write Support
Flink 1.17.x Table API Support


Users can obtain the connector artifact from our GitHub repository.

Steps to Build Locally
git clone
cd flink-bigquery-connector
git checkout tags/0.3.0
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pflink_1.17

Resulting jars can be found in the target directory of respective modules, i.e. flink-bigquery-connector/flink-1.17-connector-bigquery/flink-connector-bigquery/target for the connector, and flink-bigquery-connector/flink-1.17-connector-bigquery/flink-connector-bigquery-examples/target for a sample application.

Maven artifacts are installed under .m2/repository.

If only the jars are needed, then execute maven package instead of install.

Connector to Flink Compatibility

Connector tag \ Flink version 1.15.x 1.17.x

Create a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster (Optional)

A Google Cloud Dataproc cluster can be used as an execution environment for Flink runtime. Here we attach relevant documentation to execute Flink applications on Cloud Dataproc, but you can deploy the Flink runtime in other Google Cloud environments (like GKE) and submit jobs using Flink CLI or web UI.

Dataproc clusters will need the bigquery or cloud-platform scopes. Dataproc clusters have the bigquery scope by default, so most clusters in enabled projects should work by default.

Dataproc Flink Component

Follow this document.

Connector to Dataproc Image Compatibility Matrix

Connector tag \ Dataproc Image 2.1 2.2


The connector can be used with Flink's Datastream and Table APIs in Java applications. The source offers two read modes, bounded and unbounded. The sink offers at-least-once delivery guarantee.

Compiling against the connector

Maven Dependency


Relevant Files

  • Sink factory methods are defined at
  • Sink configs are defined at
  • Source factory methods are defined at
  • Source configs are defined at
  • BigQuery connection config is defined at
  • Sample Flink application using connector is defined at for the Datastream API and at for the Table API and SQL.

Datastream API

Source: Unbounded

A timestamp partitioned table will be continuously checked for “completed” partitions, which the connector will stream into the Flink application.

BigQuerySource<GenericRecord> source =
  • A partition is considered “complete” if the table’s write buffer’s oldest entry’s ingestion time is after the partition’s end.
  • If the table’s write buffer is empty, then a partition is considered complete if is after the partition’s end.
  • This approach is susceptible to out-of-order data, and we plan to replace it with a lateness tolerance beyond the partition’s end in future releases.

Source: Bounded


A table will be read once, and its rows at the time will be streamed into the Flink application.

BigQuerySource<GenericRecord> source =

A SQL query will be executed in the GCP project, and its view will be streamed into the Flink application.

BigQuerySource<GenericRecord> bqSource =
    BigQuerySource.readAvrosFromQuery(query, projectId, limit);
    // OR
    BigQuerySource.readAvrosFromQuery(query, projectId);
  • Operations (like JOINs) which can be performed as queries in BigQuery should be executed this way because they’ll be more efficient than Flink, and only the result will be transmitted over the wire.
  • Since BigQuery executes the query and stores results in a temporary table, this may add additional costs on your BigQuery account.
  • The connector’s query source offers limited configurability compared to bounded/unbounded table reads. This will be addressed in future releases.
  • The connector does not manage query generated views beyond creation and read. Users will need to manage these views on their own, until future releases expose a configuration in the connector to delete them or assign a time-to-live.
Connector Source Configurations

The connector supports a number of options to configure the source.

Property Data Type Description
projectId String Google Cloud Project ID of the table. This config is required, and assumes no default value.
dataset String Dataset containing the table. This config is required for standard tables, but not when loading query results.
table String BigQuery table in the format [[projectId:]dataset.]table. This config is required for standard tables, but not when loading query results.
credentialsOptions CredentialsOptions Google credentials for connecting to BigQuery. This config is optional, and default behavior is to use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
Note: The query bounded source only uses default application credentials.
query String BigQuery SQL query used in the bounded query source. This config is not required for bounded table or unbounded source.
columnNames List<String> Columns to project from the table. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, all columns are fetched.
limit Integer Maximum number of rows to read from table. This config is used in all source types. If unspecified, all rows are fetched.
maxRecordsPerSplitFetch Integer Maximum number of records to read from a split once Flink requests fetch. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, the default value used is 10000.
Note: Configuring this number too high may cause memory pressure in the task manager, depending on the BigQuery record's size and total rows on the stream.
maxStreamCount Integer Maximum read streams to open during a read session. BigQuery can return a lower number of streams than specified based on internal optimizations. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, this config is not set and BigQuery has complete control over the number of read streams created.
rowRestriction String BigQuery SQL query for row filter pushdown. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, all rows are fetched.
snapshotTimeInMillis Long Time (in milliseconds since epoch) for the BigQuery table snapshot to read. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, the latest snapshot is read.
oldestPartitionId String Earliest table partition to consider for unbounded reads. This config is used in unbounded source. If unspecified, all partitions are read.
partitionDiscoveryRefreshIntervalInMinutes Integer Periodicity (in minutes) of partition discovery in table. This config is used in unbounded source. If unspecified, the default value used is 10 minutes.


All the current BigQuery datatypes are being handled when transforming data from BigQuery to Avro’s GenericRecord.

BigQuery Data Type Converted Avro Datatype

Sink: At Least Once

Flink Sink is the base interface for developing a sink. With checkpointing enabled, it can offer at-least-once consistency. Our implementation uses BigQuery Storage's default write stream in Sink's Writers.

// StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// env.enableCheckpointing(checkpointInterval);

// Via DataStream API

BigQueryConnectOptions sinkConnectOptions =
BigQuerySchemaProvider schemaProvider = new BigQuerySchemaProviderImpl(sinkConnectOptions);
BigQuerySinkConfig sinkConfig =
                .serializer(new AvroToProtoSerializer())

Sink<GenericRecord> sink = BigQuerySink.get(sinkConfig, env);
  • BigQuery sinks require that checkpoint is enabled for at-least-once consistency.
  • Delivery guarantee must be at-least-once.
  • BigQueryConnectOptions stores information needed to connect to a BigQuery table.
  • AvroToProtoSerializer is the only out-of-the-box serializer offered for now. It expects data to arrive at the sink as avro's GenericRecord. Other relevant data formats will be supported soon. Also, users can create their own implementation of BigQueryProtoSerializer for other data formats.
  • BigQuerySchemaProvider exposes schema related information about the BigQuery table. This is needed by the sink to write data to BigQuery tables. It can also be used by the serializer if needed (for instance, the AvroToProtoSerializer uses BigQuery table's schema).
  • Flink cannot automatically serialize avro's GenericRecord, hence users must explicitly specify type information when using the AvroToProtoSerializer. Check Flink's blog on non-trivial serialization. Note that the avro schema needed here can be obtained from BigQuerySchemaProvider.
  • The maximum parallelism of BigQuery sinks has been capped at 128. This is to respect BigQuery storage write quotas while adhering to best usage practices. Users should either set sink level parallelism explicitly, or ensure that default job level parallelism is under 128.
  • Users are recommended to choose their application's restart strategy wisely, so as to avoid incessant retries which can potentially disrupt the BigQuery Storage API backend. Regardless of which strategy is adopted, the restarts must be finite and graciously spaced.
  • If a data record cannot be serialized by BigQuery sink, then the record is dropped with a warning getting logged. Moving on, we plan to introduce a Flink metric for tracking such data. Additionally, a dead letter queue will be introduced in the future to store this data.

Important: Please refer to data ingestion pricing to understand the BigQuery Storage Write API pricing.

Table API Support

  • Table API is a high-level declarative API that allows users to describe what they want to do rather than how to do it.
  • This results in simpler customer code and higher level pipelines that are more easily optimized in a managed service.
  • The Table API is a superset of the SQL language and is specially designed for working with Apache Flink.
  • It also allows language-embedded style support for queries in Java, Scala or Python besides the always available String values as queries in SQL.

Source: Bounded and Unbounded

// Note: Users must create and register a catalog table before reading and writing to them.

// final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// env.enableCheckpointing(CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL);
// final StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);

// Create the Config.
BigQueryTableConfig readTableConfig =  new BigQueryReadTableConfig.Builder()
        .table(...) // REQUIRED
        .project(...) // REQUIRED
        .dataset(...) // REQUIRED
        .partitionDiscoveryInterval(...) // OPTIONAL; only in CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED source
        .boundedness(...) // OPTIONAL; Boundedness.CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED or Boundedness.BOUNDED
        .limit(...) // OPTIONAL
        .columnProjection(...) // OPTIONAL
        .snapshotTimestamp(...) // OPTIONAL
        .rowRestriction(...) // OPTIONAL

// Create the catalog table.
Table sourceTable = tEnv.from("bigQuerySourceTable");

// Fetch entries in this sourceTable
sourceTable =$("*"));

Sink: At-least Once

// Note: Users must create and register a catalog table before reading and writing to them.
// Schema of the source and sink catalog table must be the same

// final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// env.enableCheckpointing(CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL);
// final StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);

// Create the Config.
BigQueryTableConfig sinkTableConfig = BigQuerySinkTableConfig.newBuilder()
        .table(...) // REQUIRED
        .project(...) // REQUIRED
        .dataset(...) // REQUIRED
        .testMode(...) // OPTIONAL
        .credentialAccessToken(...) // OPTIONAL
        .credentialFile(...) // OPTIONAL
        .credentialKey(...) // OPTIONAL
        .sinkParallelism(...) // OPTIONAL; Should be atmost 128
        .deliveryGuarantee(...) // OPTIONAL

// Register the Sink Table

// Insert entries in this sinkTable

Note: While running the above code sample for insert on a dataproc cluster via the gcloud dataproc submit command, add an .await() after the .executeInsert() method to prevent untimely job termination. Application works expected when submitted via Flink CLI on the master node in both application and per-job mode. Code modification is as follows:

// Insert entries in this sinkTable
TableResult res = sourceTable.executeInsert("bigQuerySinkTable");
// wait for the job to complete 
// (for jobs running on dataproc cluster via "gcloud dataproc submit" command only) 

More Details:

  • Input and Output tables (catalog tables) must be registered in the TableEnvironment.
  • The schema of the registered table must match the schema of the query.
  • Boundedness must be either Boundedness.CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED or Boundedness.BOUNDED.
  • Checkpointing must be enabled as mentioned above. Delivery guarantee must be at-least-once.
  • BigQueryTableConfig stores information needed to connect to a BigQuery table. It could even be used to obtain the TableDescriptor required for the creation of Catalog Table.
    Please refer to:
  • RowDataToProtoSerializer is offered for serialization of RowData (since Table API read/writes RowData format records) records to BigQuery Proto Rows. This out-of-box serializer is automatically provided to the sink during runtime.
  • BigQueryTableSchemaProvider is a helper class which contains the method getTableDescriptor() which could be used to obtain a TableDescriptor for creation of catalog table via BigQueryTableConfig (BigQuerySinkTableConfig for sink options and BigQueryReadTableConfig for read options). Users could also create their own catalog tables; provided the schema of the registered table, and the associated BigQuery table is the same.
  • The connector supports a number of options to configure.
Property Data Type Description Availability
projectId String Google Cloud Project ID of the table. This config is required, and assumes no default value. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
dataset String Dataset containing the table. This config is required for standard tables, but not when loading query results. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
table String BigQuery table. This config is required for standard tables, but not when loading query results. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
credentialAccessToken String Google Access token for connecting to BigQuery. This config is optional, and default behavior is to use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
credentialFile String Google credentials for connecting to BigQuery. This config is optional, and default behavior is to use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
credentialKey String Google credentials Key for connecting to BigQuery. This config is optional, and default behavior is to use the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. BigQueryReadTableConfig, BigQuerySinkTableConfig
limit Integer Maximum number of rows to read from table. This config is used in all source types. If unspecified, all rows are fetched. BigQueryReadTableConfig
rowRestriction String BigQuery SQL query for row filter pushdown. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, all rows are fetched. BigQueryReadTableConfig
columnProjection String Columns (comma separated list of values) to project from the table. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, all columns are fetched. BigQueryReadTableConfig
maxStreamCount Integer Maximum read streams to open during a read session. BigQuery can return a lower number of streams than specified based on internal optimizations. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, this config is not set and BigQuery has complete control over the number of read streams created. BigQueryReadTableConfig
snapshotTimeInMillis Long Time (in milliseconds since epoch) for the BigQuery table snapshot to read. This config is used in bounded table or unbounded source. If unspecified, the latest snapshot is read. BigQueryReadTableConfig
partitionDiscoveryRefreshIntervalInMinutes Integer Periodicity (in minutes) of partition discovery in table. This config is used in unbounded source. If unspecified, the default value used is 10 minutes. BigQueryReadTableConfig
sinkParallelism Integer Integer value indicating the parallelism for the sink. This config is used in unbounded source and is optional. If unspecified, the application decides the optimal parallelism.
Maximum value: 128.
boundedness Boundedness Enum value indicating boundedness of the source.
Possible values: Boundedness.CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED or Boundedness.BOUNDED.
Default Value: Boundedness.BOUNDED
deliveryGuarantee DeliveryGuarantee Enum value indicating delivery guarantee of the source.
Possible values: DeliveryGuarantee.EXACTLY_ONCE or DeliveryGuarantee.AT_LEAST_ONCE.
Default Value: DeliveryGuarantee.AT_LEAST_ONCE
  • Limitations:
    • Inability to read and then write TIME type BigQuery records. Reading TIME type records and subsequently writing them to BigQuery would result in an error due to misconfigured types between BigQuery and Flink's RowData.
      This misconfiguration only happens when BigQuery is used as both the source and sink, connector works as expected for correctly formatted RowData records read from other sources.
    • Incorrect value obtained during read and write of BIGNUMERIC type BigQuery Records. Reading BIGNUMERIC type records from a BigQuery table and subsequently writing them to BigQuery would result in incorrect value being written to BigQuery as Flink's RowData does not support NUMERIC Types with precision more than 38 (BIGNUMERIC supports precision up to 76).
      This mismatch only occurs due to bigquery's support for NUMERIC values with > 38 precision. The connector works as expected for other sources(even BigQuery) within the permitted(up to 38) range.
    • Supports only INSERT type operations such as SELECT/WHERE, UNION, JOIN, etc.

Catalog Tables:

  • Catalog Table usage helps hide the complexities of interacting with different external systems behind a common interface.
  • In Apache Flink, a CatalogTable represents the unresolved metadata of a table stored within a catalog.
  • It is an encapsulation of all the characteristics that would typically define an SQL CREATE TABLE statement.
  • This includes the table's schema (column names and data types), partitioning information, constraints etc. It doesn't contain the actual table data.
  • SQL Command for Catalog Table Creation
      CREATE TABLE sample_catalog_table
      (name STRING) // Schema Details
      ('connector' = 'bigquery',
      'project' = '<bigquery_project_name>',
      'dataset' = '<bigquery_dataset_name>',
      'table' = '<bigquery_table_name>');

Example Application

The flink-1.17-connector-bigquery-examples and flink-1.17-connector-bigquery-table-api-examples modules offer a sample Flink application powered by the connector. It can be found at for the Datastream API and at for the Table API and SQL. It offers an intuitive hands-on application with elaborate guidance to test out the connector and its various configurations.


What is the pricing for the Storage API?

See the BigQuery Pricing Documentation.

How do I authenticate outside GCE / Dataproc?

The connector needs an instance of a GoogleCredentials in order to connect to the BigQuery APIs. There are multiple options to provide it:

  • The default is to load the JSON key from the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable, as described here.
  • In case the environment variable cannot be changed, the credentials file can be configured as a connector option. The file should reside on the same path on all the nodes of the cluster.

How to fix classloader error in Flink application?

Change Flink’s classloader strategy to parent-first. This can be made default in the flink-conf yaml.

How to fix issues with checkpoint storage when running Flink on Dataproc?

Point flink-conf yaml’s state.checkpoints.dir to a bucket in Google Storage, as file system storages are more suitable for yarn applications.

How to fix "Attempting to create more Sink Writers than allowed"?

The maximum parallelism of BigQuery sinks has been capped at 100. Please set sink level parallelism or default job level parallelism as 100 or less.

Why are certain records missing even with at-least-once consistency guarantee?

Records that cannot be serialized to BigQuery protobuf format are dropped with a warning being logged. In future, a Flink metric and dead letter queues will be supported to better track such records.