[ARCHIVED repository] COS GPU installer has relocated to https://cos.googlesource.com/cos/tools.
Note: This is not an official Google product.
This repository contains scripts to build Docker containers that can be used to download, compile and install GPU drivers on Container-Optimized OS images.
Example command:
gcloud compute instances create $USER-cos-gpu-test \
--image-family cos-stable \
--image-project cos-cloud \
--accelerator=type=nvidia-tesla-k80 \
--boot-disk-size=25GB \
--maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
--metadata-from-file "cos-gpu-installer-env=scripts/gpu-installer-env,user-data=install-test-gpu.cfg,run-installer-script=scripts/run_installer.sh,run-cuda-test-script=scripts/run_cuda_test.sh"
The command above creates a GCE instance based on cos-stable image. Then it installs GPU driver on the instance by running a container 'cos-gpu-installer' which is implemented in this repository.
The GPU driver version and container image version are specified in scripts/gpu-installer-env. You can edit the file if you want to install GPU driver version or use container image other than the default.