repo for maintaining all the learning materials created from taking up the Udemy course -
This so called project, is actually all the learnings that I have managed to accumulate by taking up the course Complete Python & Data Science Course for Absolute Beginners from Udemy
no idea if this is an affiliated link!
I might have tossed up a few materials here and there, from other places which I found to be useful related to Python
that are not covered as part of the above mentioned course. GouthamShiv/python-datascience
- Intro to PyPlot
- Installing PyPlot
- Graphing some data
- Showing multiple graphs
- Different kinds of graphs
- 3D Graphs
- Intro to Pandas
- Installing and importing Pandas
- Creating Pandas Series
- Getting elements from Series
- Getting properties from Series
- Modifying Series
- Series operations
- Series comparisons and iteration
- Creating Pandas DataFrames
- Getting elements from DataFrames
- Getting properties from DataFrames
- Modifying DataFrames
- DataFrames operations
- DataFrames comparisons and iteration
- Reading CSVs into DataFrames
Data Wrangling
- Cleaning Data
- Filtering out noise
- Making data available for analysis
- Statistics
- Simple Statistics
- Practical example of data mining
- Dataset Examples
- Cleaning Data
Data Mining Fundamentals
- Cluster Analysis
- Classification and Regression
- LinearRegression and LogisticRegression
- Support Vector Classifier and Support Vector Regressor
- KNeighborsClassifier and KNeighborsRegressor
- Association and Correlation
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Apache Spark - Framework Overview
- Apache Spark - Key Functions
- Apache Spark - Machine Learning
- Examples - Using Machine Learning Pipelines
- NLP Data Cleaning
- Count Vectorizer, TFIDF
- NLP Example with Spam
- Tweak model with Spam data
- Pipeline with Spam data
08 - PySpark - Building DataFrames with Python, Apache Spark and SQL