Feed your routing applications OFFLINE.
A collection of camping sites and camper supplementals for Camping Nomads to download as "Points of Interest" / POIs in the GPX format
*Read this in other languages: English, German, French
The whole application is primarily intended for offline use on an old quad core netbook while traveling on the road beyond a usable or affordable Internet connection or in the Internet desert and looking step by step for the next magic place to stay.
Camping site pois
Caravan site pois - several seem to be wrongly classified as "Caravan site" and are nevertheless also suitable for campers with tent etc.
Additional pois for basic supplies of the traveling camper himself and his micro van, motorcycle, sidecar rig or hippie bus
- (AD) Andorra, (AL) Albania, (AT) Austria, (BA) Bosnia and Herzegovina, (BE) Belgium, (BG) Bulgaria, (BY) Belarus, (CH) Switzerland, (CY) Cyprus, (CZ) Czech Republic, (DE) Germany, (DK) Denmark, (EE) Estonia, (ES) Spain, (FI) Finland, (FO) Faroe Islands, (FR) France, (GB) United Kingdom, (GE) Georgia, (GG) Guernsey, (GI) Gibraltar, (GL) Greenland, (GR) Greece, (HR) Croatia, (HU) Hungary, (IE) Ireland, (IM) Isle of Man, (IS) Iceland, (IT) Italy, (JE) Jersey, (LI) Liechtenstein, (LT) Lithuania, (LU) Luxembourg, (LV) Latvia, (MC) Monaco, (MD) Moldova, (ME) Montenegro, (MK) North Macedonia, (MT) Malta, (NL) Netherlands, (NO) Norway, (PL) Poland, (PT) Portugal, (RO) Romania, (RS) Serbia, (RU) Russia, (SE) Sweden, (SI) Slovenia, (SJ) Svalbard and Jan Mayen, (SK) Slovakia, (SM) San Marino, (UA) Ukraine, (VA) City of the Vatican
All pois have been extracted from OSM - OpenStreetMap - trimmed with the GpxPy parser together with other Python toolsets for optimal working with Cruiser Desktop 3.0.9 (Routing -> Import -> File Name and File Type: *.gpx -> Open -> Overlay) :
The “gpx-strip-tracks” script pair is intended for experienced users of the Linux command line.
These scripts can be used to remove all campsite borderlines (tracks) - all other data will be left untouched. No POIs will be deleted.
By default, this command reads GPX files from the source directory "./gpx" and writes them modified to the target directory "./gpx-stripped" - see information in the source code.
Elevation data missing in OSM were added by the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission as public release version, if available there.
If you find data are invalid or missing, please deal with OSM - for getting a clean next issue.
Using OpenStreetMap offline
Mobile software by platform
Tested on the Desktop