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AC Ink Integration

Quick Start

  1. Setup an Adventure Creator project as usual or open an existing one.
  2. Add the Ink Unity package from the Unity Asset Store.
  3. Add the AC Ink Intergration package.
  4. Attach the ACInkIntegration script to the Persistant Engine.
  5. Drag your Ink story JSON file to Main Story in the ACInkIntegration inspector on the Persistant Engine.
  6. Create a string global variable in the variables manager and note its ID number
  7. Set Var ID to the ID number in the ACInkIntegration inspector on the Persistant Engine.
  8. Convert Conversation Menu to Unity UI Prefab and place in Ink Choice Menu slot in the ACInkIntegration on the Persistent Engine inspector.
  9. Ensure a cursor is set for cutscenes if using the conversation menu.
  10. Use the Ink Run Script action in your Action Lists.


This package allows the use of your Ink scripts with Adventure Creator. It is designed to minimally impact Adventure Creator so no files from the Adventure Creator asset are modified.

You can play your Ink scripts as you would expect, and you can also run certain actions from your Ink script by using certain tags. You can play character animation, move characters, face characters in different directions, wait, play sound effects and music.

It creates an action list from your Ink Script which you can inspect in your scene with the object called Action Holder. Important to note is it diverges from AC by not using the way it does Conversations, recent updates to AC made this neccessary, but it does mean that you need a cursor set for cutscenes.

It's still a work in progress, so use at your own discression.


In the Examples folder short scripts demonstrating the integration will be made available.

Third Party: Ink Script Action

This package gives you a new action located in Third Party and Ink Script. The Unity package will place it in the correct location. If you add the script manually then it must be located in 'Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Actions/'.

It has several fields:

New Story?

Ticking this will reset the state of your story, ideal for starting a new game.


Allows you to specify where in your story to begin. If left blank the story will run from the top.

Number of Speakers

Set this to the number of characters that will take part in the story. It will create blank fields for each speaker, and then link them to the characters in your scene. It's not nessesary to add the player.

Number of Markers

If you move characters around from the Ink script then you need to pass the markers to the action. Input the number of markers you will use and link accordingly.

Number of Cameras

If you need to switch camera from the Ink script, set the number of cameras here and link the cameras to be used.

Number of Sounds

If you play and sound FX from the Ink script then you attach them here. Input the number of sounds you will use and link accordingly.

Number of Objects

If you teleport or affect the visibility of any objects that aren't characters, they go in here. Input the number of objects and link accordingly.

Third Party: Ink: Check Visit Count

Another action in the package lets you check the visit count of a knot/stitch. It's located in Third Party and Ink: Check Visit Count

It has the following fields:


The name of the knot or stitch to check.


The operation to perform, either eqauls to, not equals, greater than or less than.


The number to compare with.

Condition Met/Not Met

The flow of the action list continues based of the result of this action.

ACInkIntegration class

This class is required to save the story state in Adventure Creator's save system. Open up the Persistant Engine and attach the ACInkIntegration script. In the inspector two fields are availble to you:

Your main JSON file from your Ink story goes in the Main Story field. It is assumed that you will use one monolithic story for your game.

To enable saving you need to create a global variable in the Variables Manager of the string type. You can call it anything, but note its ID number and set Var ID to that number.


This class is a "shadow action" it shouldn't be used in a normal Action List, it's called by ActionInkRunScript for creating an action that shows the Conversation menu with your Ink choices.

Setting Default Behaviour

It's expected that speech and actions in your game have a standard way of presentation. You can set the default behaviour by changing the initialisation of these variables in ActionInkRunScript.cs. To get a different behaviour you will need to add extra tags or parameters in your Ink script, see below for more information on tags.

In all cases if you want the default behaviour then you will not need to specify with tags in your Ink script.

static AnimOptions defaultAnimOptions = new AnimOptions(0, 0, false, true);
static FaceOptions defaultFaceOptions = new FaceOptions(true, false);
static MoveOptions defaultMoveOptions = new MoveOptions(false, true, true);
static MusicOptions defaultMusicOptions = new MusicOptions(MusicAction.Play, false, false, false, false, 0.0f);
static SoundOptions defaultSoundOptions = new SoundOptions(false);
static SpeechOptions defaultSpeechOptions = new SpeechOptions(false, true, false);
static SwitchCameraOptions defaultCameraOptions = new SwitchCameraOptions(0.0f, MoveMethod.Linear, false, false);

Dialogue Lines

When writing your script with Ink, start the line with the character speaking and a colon.

Player: Hi everyone, let's play a game!

If no speaker is specified it will be considered as narration by Adventure Creator.

You can add tags to the line, as per the Ink documentation tags can appear before a line, or on the same line. Whitespace and case are not important, but they must be spelt correctly. Tagging is not required where the default behaviour is required.


Let's you specify whether a line will play in the background or not.

Player: This is a background line. #BG
Player: This is not a background line. #noBG


Let's you specify whether you can or cannot skip a line.

Player: You can skip this line. #skip
Player: You can't skip this line. #noSkip


Let's you specify if the speaker should use its talking animation.

Player: My talking animation will play. #anim
Player: My talking animation will not play. #noAnim


Let's you specify the audio file name, file extension is not required. They should be kept in 'Rescources/Speech/'

Player: This line has voice over. #audio = Player1

Note on audio: There's no real clean way to integrate audio with Adventure Creator, the way I've done it is to have a script go through my Ink file and create a TSV with the columns:

ID, Owner, Original text, AudioFilename

For example:

1000	Queen Crow	What happened to the music?	Queen Crow1
1001	Peregrine	The power’s out, your majesty.	Peregrine1
1002	Queen Crow	Guards!	Queen Crow2
1003	Queen Crow	Bring me Peregrine Fixalot.	Queen Crow3

In the ACInkIntegration class there is a commented out menu item function that will go through the TSV and add the lines to the Speech Manager, this can give the desired behavoir but it's loose and only reccomended if you understand what it is doing.

Scripting actions for Adventure Creator in Ink

Using tags you can run other actions from your Ink script, this will allow you to stay in your script for longer and potentially cut down the size of your action lists. The tags are passed to the action in a list and will execute in order and before the line that they are attached to is displayed, some of the tags also have optional parameters so you can specify the behaviour. These mirror the options on the respective action in Adventure Creator.

Parameters must be split with commas.


Plays an animation on a character.

#animate Player, WaveToCamera

You can add the following parameters:

  • layer - Mechanim layer
  • fadeTime - Transition time
  • idle/noIdle - Reset to idle after.
  • wait/noWait - Wait for the animation to finish.
#animate Player, WaveToCamera, layer = 0, fadeTime = 0, idle, noWait


Moves a character to a marker.

#move Player, MyMarker

You can add the following parameters:

  • run/noRun - Run or walk
  • path/noPath - Use pathfinding or not
  • wait/noWait - Wait for character to finish moving.


Turn a character to face a direction.

#face Player, left

Possible directions are: down, left, right, up, downLeft, downRight, upLeft, upRight

You can add the following parameters:

  • instant/noInstant - Turn instantly or not.
  • wait/noWait - Wait to turn or not.


Change the standard animation for a character's idle/walk/run/talk

#setStandard Player, idle, newIdleAnimation

Parameters should always be in this order: Character, standard, new animation name


Resets a character back to their idle animation.

#resetToIdle Player


Set a Global Variable in the Vairiable manager to a value. Uses the label name of the variable.

#set playerHealth = 100
#set gotBanana = true


Wait for a period of time.

#wait 1.0


Plays, stops, resumes or crossfades music. Music must be in the Music Storage Window.

#music myMusicFileName

Settng the track name to 'stop' will stop the current track. Setting the track name to 'resume' will resume the current track.

You can add the following parameters.

  • loop/noLoop - loops the track or plays once
  • queue/noQueue - plays the track after the current track, or interupts
  • resume/noResume - Resumes if was played before, or starts from the beginning.
  • wait/noWait - waits for track to finish or not
  • fade - sets a fade time or crossfade time e.g. fade = 0.5
  • play - sets the method to play
  • crossfade - sets the method to crossfade


Plays a sound file in the same way as the Play Sound One Shot action.

#sound mySoundFile

You can add the following parameters.

  • wait/noWait - wait for the sound to finish or not.


Switchs to another camera in the scene.

#camera newCamera

You can add the following parameters.

  • time - transition time e.g. time = 3.5
  • linear/smooth/curved/easeIn/easeOut - sets the move method (not case sensitive)
  • retainSpeed/noRetainSpeed = smooths the transition from previous camera
  • waitFinish/noWaitFinish = wait for transition to finish, or not.


Add or remove items from the current players inventory.

#inventory add, Key

#inventory remove, Fish


Switchs the scene by name.

#toScene MyNewScene


Sets an object/characters visibility. True for visible, false for invisible.

#visible true


Teleports an object/character to a marker.

#teleport MyObject, MyMarker


Fade in or out the camera.

#fade out, wait, 0.5
#fade in, instant


  • wait/noWait = wait for fade to finish or not
  • instant/noInstant = instant fade or not
  • time as float

Get Adventure Creator Global Variables in Ink

You can read global variables from the Variable Manager in your Ink scripts. Add the following to the top of your Ink story file:

EXTERNAL getValue(a)

This takes an integer which is the variable ID in the Variables Manager.

Check if an object is in the players inventory in Ink

You can check for an item in the players inventory in Ink scripts. Add the following to the top of your Ink story file:

EXTERNAL inventoryContains(item)

Item is the name of the object which must match the name in the Inventory Manager, it returns a bool.


Integrates Ink and Adventure creator for Unity.







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Contributors 4

