A meditation app designed for users and content creators to come together and interact with each other through guided meditations, messaging, following, favoriting, and donations while tracking and providing relevant user/creator data.
Deployed on Heroku: Here|Now
- Ruby 2.7.4
- NodeJS (v14 or higher), and npm
- Postgresql
Fork and clone this repository.
Then run:
bundle install
rails db:create
npm install --prefix client
You can use the following commands to run the application:
rails s
: run the backend on http://localhost:3000npm start --prefix client
: run the frontend on http://localhost:4000rails start
: run the frontend and backend together with one command
This application was created with React, Redux Toolkit, MediaRecorder API, React Router, Axios, ReactPlayer and Material UI (core, styles, and icons). The rails back-end is built using ActiveStorage, PostgreSQL, BCrypt, and ActiveRecordSerializers. The logo was created with Canva's online tools.