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In case the SNS gives you error, Most probably it will be due to clock mismatch sudo service ntp stop sudo ntpdate -s sudo service ntp start

BOB: The user who wants to store his mnemonic decentrally

Kanika, sofia, ravya, shikha and Asha are the users who will have a share of the mnemonic after it is split using shamir secret.

Shared_secret contracts which will be floated on shared_secret addresses who were derived from the random indexs generated from BOB's mnemonic.

Store Mnemonic The user creates an account with email, phone and password A new mnemonic will be genrated for the user and A scrypt key will be generated from the password, Double encryption of the user mnemonic will be done and the salts used will be stored in the database, The encrypted mnemonic will be stored in the database, and can only be encrypted if the user would provide the right password

THe user if wants to share his Mnemonic starts by making a ping /share_mnemonic api.
The two args which will be accepted are :
    receive_addresses_list: list of email ids of the users who are already registred on the platform
    minimum required: Mimimum of users who when activated, Mnemmonic can be rev=covered from
            their share

Now, BOB will generate 5 random indexes from 1 to 2**32 and get the corresponding
  Public/Private key pairs corresponding to these indexes,

Bob will now generate 5 secret_share addresses from the public keys generated above.

Double Encryption of Mnemonic with Scrypt key generated from BOB email address.
The salt used in both these encryption will be stored with the central party database.

NOw, according to the maximum and minimum shares rewiured Encrypted Menmonic will
be split into secrets, minimum shares are required to recover the encrypted mnemonic.

The whole point of encrypting the mnemonic before split is to tackle the case,
in which if all any three of kanika, ravya, shikha, asha and sofia would collude
to combine the mnemonic from their shares, THey cant recover it even if they know
the BOB's user email address since they dont know the 32 byte salt used to
generate scrypt key. the 32 bytes salt has entropy which cant be cracked as of now.

Sharing the mnemonic with Users

At this point, Sharemnemonic api will make five transactions and these transactions
will be  shared with the account addresses of Kanika, Ravya, Shikha, asha and sofia.

Each transaction will be genrated from the following process. Since the menmonic
is already split into five shares.

A new 16 bytes AES key will be generated  for every user,  Encrypt their share with
AES key, and append tag in front and nonce at the back of the ciphertext

Now encrypt the AES key with the public key of the account of the user, lets
say public key present on kanika's account.

Now float a transaction with all these details.

Second Part: Activating these share mnemonics in case of password failure
      The user has to enter their email and phonenumber, OTP's will be sent
      to them, to confirm their email and password

      A new api will be pinged with these OTPS and new password, password
      shoudl fulfill the required  condition and should be of lenght more than
      or equal to 8.

      For every share_secret_transaction:
        A new scrypt key will be genrated on the basis of the password
        This key will be encrypted with the receive_Secret public key after
        hex encoding
      And the transaction will be floated


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